How to Make 5K in 30 Days on Your Bitcoin

Disclaimer: The text below is a press release that was not written by

There are a loads of ways to earn a passive income on your Bitcoin and Ethereum, some safer and more profitable than others.

One of the most exciting investment strategies available today is crypto arbitrage. It is growing in popularity because it almost completely eliminates risk while still allowing traders to benefit from the huge profit potential of the volatile crypto markets.

Crypto arbitrage is very straightforward. It makes use of the fact that a cryptocurrency can temporarily be available on multiple exchanges, at different prices, at the same time. So, for this brief period, before the market adjusts to compensate for the price disparity, you can make money by purchasing a coin on the exchange where it is going for the lowest price then instantly selling it on the exchange where it is being offered for the highest price.

I have a full-time job. I can’t spend all day looking for crypto price differences

While the strategy sounds pretty simple – buy cheaply on one exchange and sell for more on another – crypto arbitrage requires multiple complex actions to be performed instantly and simultaneously. To start with, a huge amount of data needs to be processed every minute concerning price fluctuations for multiple coins, on numerous exchanges, to enable you to pinpoint price disparities. You then need to be able to respond at lightning speed buying and then selling the cryptocurrency before the temporary price discrepancy resolves itself. Any delay could lead to substantial losses.

So, in light of these challenges, how is it that crypto arbitrage is widely acknowledged to be one of the lowest risk investment strategies used by major financial institutions, hedge funds and professional investors around the world.

The way you can almost completely mitigate the exposure involved, is by using a trading bot. The speed and efficiency of an automated system enables you to safely scan the markets 24/7 to identify and take advantage of crypto arbitrage opportunities, with zero effort or risk. Being able to spot a single coin with different prices on two exchanges you are guaranteed to make money on the trade.

ArbiSmart: An automated, regulated platform offering up to 45% profits a year

An increasingly well-known, well-regarded crypto arbitrage platform that doesn’t require you to spend a penny on buying or subscribing to software is

ArbiSmart has an AI-based machine learning algorithm that is connected to 35 different exchanges, which it monitors around the clock looking for crypto arbitrage opportunities. It can handle a large volume of trades simultaneously, rapidly reacting to crypto market developments with dynamic market entry and exit.

The automated system does all the work for you without requiring you to do anything but sign up and deposit funds, guaranteeing profits that start at 10.8% and reach up to 45% a year. ArbiSmart has technical staff working day and night to prevent a glitch interfering with trading. There is also a dedicated risk management team that monitors the market 24 hours a day to provide critical human oversight and intervention if ever required.

Once you have funded your account, in either fiat or crypto, the platform converts your funds into RBIS the platform token and uses them for crypto arbitrage trading. The amount you make depends on the amount of capital you invest, and returns are calculated on an annual and monthly basis. Profits can be withdrawn in EUR at any time and will be paid based on earnings up to the day of the withdrawal.

You can use the site’s smart investment calculator to work out your profits. You simply input an investment amount and a time-frame to see what you can expect to make. Equally, you can use the calculator to work out how much you need to invest to reach a specific daily, monthly or annual profit target. When calculating potential profits, the tool will also take into consideration the current value of the RBIS token and compound arbitrage profits.

For example, if you want to earn €5,000 a month in passive income, you will need to invest €160K. This will earn you a 3.1% monthly return, which within a year will translate to €60,000.

The amount you earn a month on your €160,000 is actually likely to exceed €5K a month, once we take into account capital gains from the RBIS token. RBIS has already gone up by more than 120% in just 18 months and by the end of 2021, based on its current trajectory, it is projected to go up by 3,000%.

This sounds amazing but how safe is it?

Anyone with money to invest in crypto and an ounce of common sense will do their homework and look out for an investment platform that has regulatory oversight, consistently good consumer reviews, positive press, accessible support and a stellar reputation among the crypto community, across social channels.

ArbiSmart doesn’t raise any red flags in these areas and in fact goes above and beyond in terms of providing transparency and accessibility at every turn.

Firstly, the company is fully EU licensed and regulated. This means that it undergoes criminal checks as well as frequent financial and technical audits. It is also required to maintain an insurance fund to cover client capital and implement a wide array of data security protocols as well as Anti-money laundering and client verification procedures.

Secondly, the website offers numerous support channels that provide personal, direct contact with the ArbiSmart team. Clients or curious potential investors can reach out via Twitter, Messenger, Telegram, Instagram, phone, email and Whatsapp, 24/7. This reliability and availability may be behind the growing global popularity of the platform, although its success may also be attributed to the fact that ArbiSmart has a great reputation.

ArbiSmart has over 200 reviews and a 4.4/5 rating on crypto customer review site Trustpilot. It has also received glowing reviews in major blockchain publications like and, while consistently receiving great feedback on Telegram, Twitter and other social media.

Ok I’m convinced. What now?

Well, if you’re not quite ready to dive in then you can learn more about arbitrage, with this quick guide and if you have questions, at any time, you can always get in touch with the ArbiSmart team.

Ready to start? Take half a minute to sign up for free, and then get on with your day and let the platform go to work on your behalf.

Once you’ve made some money, if you want your crypto arbitrage revenues to earn you even bigger profits, there is the ArbiSmart wallet. In the coming months, ArbiSmart is launching an interest-bearing wallet. So, instead of just letting your crypto or fiat sit in a bank account or a regular wallet, your profits can be earning you up to 45% a year. The amount you make will depend on the account currency, deposit amount and the type of savings account you choose - an account that is locked for a set period will earn a higher return.