How To Earn Cryptocurrency By Running Ads On Your Free Blog

Bitcoin and cryptocurrency have exploded in popularity over the last 3 - 5 years and is slowly starting to gain mainstream support and recognition. Bitcoin is popularly known as the internet of money and its open source code has lead to some pretty unique ways of revising the way we do business online. These alternative means of transferring money and tracking payments aims to disrupt a number of markets, especially in the very lucrative area of online publishing.

Major network platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Google have already banned or restricted crypto related advertisements for some time now and while they claim its to protect their user base from scammers there is also a sense of self-interest playing a part in the decision. To reduce the reach of disruptive technology for as long as possible is an act of self-preservation.


We Have The Power And More Options Now!

While the Facebook Audience Network and Google's GDN network is by far the most popular it doesn't mean they are the most profitable for the end user publisher. It's always preferable to shop around and ensure you have competiting networks helping you auction your traffic off to the highest bidder for improved rates. There are now several blockchain ad network platforms which help you to advertise bitcoin and crypto related ads on their sites.


So now that you know what cryptocurrency ad networks are all about, Lets see what's available for us to monetize starting from today!

1. A-ADS (Anonymous Ads)

This is personally my favorite. A-Ads is one of the largest cryptocurrency-oriented ad networks currently available. A-Ads or Anonymous Ads main method of payment is Bitcoin, although other currencies may be added in the future. Its been around for quite some time and its reputation has been well-documented over the years. More importantly, publishers do not register on the platform, as there is no collection of personal data at any stage, which is great for those who love their online privacy.

Money can be earned through unique impressions and referred sales.


2. Ad Dragon

Ad Dragon is a new kid on the block looking to make an impact. It was launched in 2019 and sports a brand-new cryptocurrency ad network with a twist. It’s different from anything currently on the market because it isn’t an ad exchange. It’s an online ad marketplace. It can be compared to the model Ebay or Amazon are using, but instead of selling stuff, they sell ad space.

Visit Ad Dragon


4. Adconity

Anew Ad network, Adconity is a Zurich-based company was founded in 2017. Adconity provides CPC, CPM and CPA campaigns. They also have interesting partners on their list, such as GoDaddy, to name one. Adconity puts a lot of emphasis on its user-friendly approach, as stated by their motto “user-friendly cryptocurrency.

Visit AdConity


5. Adshares

Adshares is a decentralized platform for digital advertising where publishers and advertisers make direct deals without any middlemen. Adshares aims to offer a cheaper, transparent and censorship-free advertising to users. Adshares provides almost instant payments for its publishers in tradable ADS coins that are listed on CoinMarketCap. 

Visit Adshares


6. BitMedia

In the world of advertising, text ads are seen as outdated with media ads taking hold when it comes to publishing. For BitMedia, however, they see an opportunity and feel text ads are a worthwhile option to explore alongside banner advertising. It is somewhat similar to how Google’s AdSense operates, though with a much greater focus on cryptocurrency. Strict requirements make this program a bit more difficult to get into, but the higher payouts make that effort worthwhile.

Visit BitMedia


7. CoinAd

CoinAd differentiates itself from the pack by only focusing on worthwhile websites with high rates of trust and quality. For advertisers, this guarantees they are not deceived or bleeding money, something that can happen when sticking to more traditional advertising models.

Visit CoinAd