How Satoshi’s lack of identity can benefit bitcoin

Satoshi Nakamoto. The two words associated with bitcoin and its creation. The identity behind the pseudonym of the name has been long hidden and even after all the success that the cryptocurrency has achieved, especially looking back into 2017 when it hit its all-time high of $20,000, the creator of the assets is nowhere to be seen. It’s a mystery that will probably never be solved, but is that a good thing?

Many people have tried to find out the real identity of the Satoshi Nakamoto over the years but to no avail.

Despite all the serious success over the past few years, Satoshi Nakamoto hasn’t come out of hiding but the question is does it even matter…

There will be a lot of people with different opinions on this topic and no one opinion is necessarily right or wrong. It is widely believed that bitcoin has actually benefited from having a creator that no one truly knows, just a pseudonym with no face.

Privacy is one of the key things that bitcoin takes seriously. It is one of the main reasons why it is such a success in the world of finance. Having the absolute freedom from third parties and other forms of interference was something that new generations won’t have to worry about, they already have the freedom and their privacy. Not only does privacy protect those outside monitoring threats but the unknown identity is part of bitcoin and it adds to the narrative that it takes its claim of privacy and anonymity as an extremely serious thing.

Even though bitcoin is meant to be a free asset, there are many regulations and rulings going on surrounding it in order to regulate it.

It will be interesting to see how this situation plays out. For more news on this and other crypto updates, keep it with CryptoDaily!