How Popular Is Your Crypto Brand? 1/6/21

So in order to make this list, the given crypto has to be on an upward trend, and not a stable coin. This is a popularity contest and shows how much interest any particular crypto is getting. Here we go...

#1 Bitcoin - BTC has the highest 24-hour volume and up over 10% in the last 24 hours. At 37K and rising, BTC is obviously king. 

#2 Etherium - Eth is up 13% in the last 24-hour period, sitting at a little over $1200

#3 Stellar - In 3rd place is XLM, up a whopping 70%, currently sitting at $0.36

#4 Litecoin - It's not flashy, but Litecoin is still the 4th most popular currency. 7.8% gains for the day. 

#5 XRP - Somewhat of a rebound for XRP, it has garnered some interest today and currently sitting at $0.29, up 31%.

#6 Bitcoin Cash - Up 9.7% for the day, and sitting at $455.

#7 Cardano - ADA keeps moving and is up to $0.33; a 24% gain in the last 24 hours. 

#8 Chainlink - Link is currently sitting at the mid $16 level, and earlier I saw it above $17 for some nice gains. Approximately 16%.  

#9 Polkadot - Just under 4% in gains, but the popularity of DOT remains. A lot of selling and buying. It is just over $10.

#10 Uniswap - While the 24 gains are not significant, it still remains popular. 

#11 Tron - TRX is up 15% in the last 24 hours. 

#12 Etherium Classic - Now Eth Classic usually sits right around #40 on CoinMarketCap, but it has had a very popular day today with 7.7% gains. 

#13 Neo - 17% gains. Not too shabby. 

#14 Bitcoin SV - 10% gains for the day. The current price is $185.

#15 Zcash - $67 and 12.85% gains. It usually sits at #44.

#16 Dash - A 5% gain, but nonetheless an increase. Usually sits around #38. 

#17 Cosmos - Also called ATOM, it is sitting at a pricepoint of $6.62 with gains of just under 11%.

#18 Dogecoin - A 1% gain, but very high trading volume. 

#19 Qtum - A very nice 18% gain for the day. Currently sitting at $3.07

#20 BINANCE Coin - Just over 5% gains for the day. 

Here are some big gainers (In order of popularity)

Maker +53%

Status +95%

NEM +25%

Band Protocol +27%

Nano +134%

Matic +40%

Ren +20%

Siacoin +22%

Verge +62%

1inch +18%

Tellor +20%

Fantom +25%

iExec RLC +50% +33%

district0x +47%