How am I surviving the DIP in crypto, Tezos and Shiba

I have seen my $$$$$ fall over the past few weeks but have also made a few plays.

I bought some Tezos at around 4 and sold when it popped to 5.30 making a few $$$ only to reinvest when it dropped to 4.1 (it did go lower).

I'm not trying to time to low or the next high, I'm making sure I can gain a little when it rises to buy more when it falls.

I am hoping to see Tezos back in the $7.00 range to make me very happy but can wait till next year when some of the fear is gone.

As for Shiba Inu, I have made my bed and plan on lying in it until the fleas eat up my profits. I bough shiba with profits from other cryptos but would like to see it go up to .00007 or about double what it is now. I don't need it to become a penny but a little less loss would make me feel better. Because its a meme coin and may never really go anywhere I'm not buying on the lows as i think it will go lower and may not come back up. I'm hoping the Shiba Army can convince the more retailers and others to accept Shiba Inu at least I might be able to spend mine then.

As for bitcoin, it may go up and down a lot so I have a little play mostly from so far earned over $100, may be 2 years worth but its free for leaving a browser running when I leave my PC. Well worth it.

Just a side note, At one time on publisher they had Loopring as a reward. I earned about $10 worth and its now worth $91. Thanks publisher0x for the chance to earn and gain crypto while learning more about it. I'm glad to be part of the community.