HODL the line? - new regulations incoming after GameStop debacle

Hello all you lovely cryptonians

I know, it's all over the news. The big boys in the financial sector have been flexing their muscles - the GameStop fiasco hasn't stopped and it seems to have started another wave of lockdowns, only now it's in the cryptosphere. 

Earlier I opened my StakeCube and a massive pop-up came at me about the new terms and conditions. I mean, do people actually read the fine print of all these user agreements? Well it's time you do I think... I've always been one for reading all the terms and conditions of contracts and with this one, it seems that there is now a pattern emerging. 

Everyone is shouting in USA about who the "terrorists" are - this is the new thing the media is spinning everywhere and this last year has been terrifying, but who are they (the three letter agencies) actually looking for? It's starting to seem a lot like the average Joe who fights against the injustice of the system is now the new target. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for nailing people that are actually committing crimes - but then the insider traders should be nailed first, especially when they have the backing of these massive firms and hedge funds that are making them millions literally, yet when last did you hear of someone actually being prosecuted for that? The last notable one I remember was Martha Stewart (but I don't really follow this all that much so feel free to list them if you want to in the comments below).

What really bugs me though is that people have caught on to the illegal trading and they did something about it. Sure, some of these people may have nefarious backgrounds, or they may not, who knows - but it's suddenly a massive big issue because a hedgefund went bankrupt. Well maybe they shouldn't have been inviting people to put their hands into the cookie jar then hey?

I listened to the video on this by Dinesh D'Souza and I liked the way he framed it - you can listen to it here 


So back to my point. These new terms and conditions will more than likely be popping up all over the show now. StakeCube is probably just one of many, but I really do believe that the government is not happy at all that the people are seeing their game and are starting to play it back - offensively. They said a few years ago that governments weren't too worried about Crypto because it would never replace Fiat currency, it isn't well understood and there are too few people willing to change what they already know and move over to a new system .... people don't like change. Then a while later they said oh they don't like or trust Crypto because it is all cloak and daggers and will be used for illegal things (were they already painting the picture they wanted the general public to believe?) Now with the new administration and the new treasury Yellen (who gives me the absolute creeps to be honest) in place - Crypto is definitely financing illegal everything everywhere narrative seems to be forming. And the general public who know nothing about Crypto or how it works will sit and watch the news (which are basically just storytellers for government) will probably believe that. 

Interesting statistic from another video Stansberry Research shared by Anthony Pompliano: 0.4% of Bitcoin is used for illegal or nefarious objectives, whereas over $2trillion is laundered and used for illegal or criminal activities. And it has actually dropped from 2% in 2019 and there have been headlines that have come out of prosecutions of some of these, most recently in my country MirrorTrading was picked up by the FEC and was investigated by the FBI.

So recently we saw Elon Musk pump Bitcoin just by mentioning it in his Twitter Bio, we see financial headlines say to the moon, then say it's going to crash and burn. 

I personally think that there is not only market manipulation by traders, but bigtime manipulation of the populace via the mainstream media. 

Celebrity culture has gone crazy, and I think the reason is that real news is just not bearable, and it also seems impossible to change anything. Chris Martin


So where does that lead us?

At the pinnacle of the month close, that my dear Watson is the question. 


Perhaps the BEST thing I did last year was get into Crypto and they can come for my FIAT, but they'll never get my Bitcoin. Decentralized currency is their cryptonite (see what I did there?)

Perhaps the best thing we can all do this year is to stop listening to the media without a lavish helping of Sodium Chloride. 


As always, comments are welcome, but try be nice, I'm still newish here :)

