Hive Journey with Liotes & CTP

After a long-delayed process, I started having a more active role in the CTP world. Although there are a lot of projects that I want to be involved in, due to lack of time, I have to be more selective and I choose to be in CTP and Liotes...


 Liotes - Gamified Income Model

With the launch of Liotes, Hivers get another chance to gamify their Hive profit through a brand new project. For me, the tokenomy of each token is crucial regardless of their narrative.

Once the working mechanism of Liotes is regarded, it's great to see the investment model based on CTP and Leo tokens. For those who are aiming to both increase the amount of the CTP and LEO tokens they hold and to allocate a place for a new digital asset based on investment framework.

The rationale behind the project is uniquely interesting and my favorite part is to create an income cycle with the other Hive-based profitable projects. Delegations, buyback mechanisms, and the income stream are well-organized. For people, both LEN and LENM miner tokens can be a great match according to your preference to enrich your crypto-portfolio.


The Case of CTP - My PoV

I owe many thanks to Achim for introducing CTP to many people through LBRY. Before diving into CTP, I was an observer and fan of the community from outside ?? Long story short, the energy of the community members pushed me to create a new account @idiosyncraticctp and delegation of tokens. I plan to follow ctpsb account to vote for the posts in the community. Besides, I delegated Hive to the main account of ctpb to earn daily ctp tokens.

The post-pandemic life is kinda hectic for me. Yet, I'm willing to be a **Dolphin until the end of the year**. Two reasons made me follow this idea. The first reason is the community members that I love engaging and my experience in life keeps telling me that the future of this token + community will be like LEO.

The clicktrackprofit and CTP community are two separate but interwoven aspects having positive impacts on the valuation of the token. When I registered for the platform a couple of months ago, the diversification of content in the platform astonished me ?? Of course, we'll see both short and long-term impacts on CTP token.

I want to engage with people on the Swarm and raise awareness on the #ctp tag to make people realize the features of this mini-world. As long as I can spend some time on crypto, either directly or indirectly I'll be here.

As Hive grows and evolves, it becomes more urgent to spot promising projects and help it thrive. The case of LEO proved that the marketing of the platform and the passion of the community members brings the desired attention and value to the digital assets. Thus, I believe it's the responsibility of users/investors/community members to raise "a bit" more awareness.

The success story of can be the best example of that. I have lots of friends who are working hard to pile up as much Bitcoin Cash as possible even though they have never spent even a single penny earlier. The potential of crypto-blogging or micro-blogging is more than assumed. Just think of the times when the potential and passion aspects are combined... The point where history begins ??



Regardless of the time constraints, I decided to take one step further in the Hive ecosystem with Liotes and CTP Community. Both the pioneers of the project and the idiosyncratic aspects of the projects grabbed me ?? Long story short, I have good intentions for Liotes & CTP and I can feel that amazing days are not far away from them ??