Here is my Top 10 promising cryptocurrencies list

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Looking for a promising cryptocurrency to make the investment of the century? Getting started in cryptocurrency is not easy: with nearly 2,000 cryptocurrencies listed on CoinMarketCap, how do you know which horse to bet on? To help you see it clearly, here is my top 10 promising cryptocurrencies in which you can consider investing.

Before that, know that you will have to do your own research by diversifying your sources as much as possible to check:

  • The skills of the team;
  • The added value of the project;
  • The viability of the business model and the role of the token in the project;
  • The solidity of the technological brick;
  • The project roadmap;
  • The reputation of the project on social networks.

I based this top 10 on all of these criteria and on the evolution of their Coinmarketcap positioning over the past year. While these cryptocurrencies seem promising to us (each for different reasons), it is important to remain particularly careful with regard to such speculative investments. So be sure to invest only amounts that you can afford to lose and to take the time to think before each investment.

Bitcoin (BTC)

Of course, Bitcoin does not have a “team”, and somewhat escapes the evaluation criteria mentioned above. However, despite its peculiarities and some technological weaknesses, Bitcoin remains the benchmark in the cryptocurrency market and is likely to remain so for at least the next 5 years. Owning bitcoin allows you to empower your portfolio.

Ethereum (ETH)

Likewise, the Ethereum project has many imperfections and significant scalability issues that undoubtedly endanger the future of the project in the long term, especially as the competition is preparing to provide very interesting alternatives. . However, for the moment, most of the decentralized applications are hosted on the Ethereum platform. Many of these will become operational in the medium term, and ether has a very high chance of increasing in value - probably more than that of bitcoin.

Ripple (XRP)

Cryptocurrency of banks, the XRP (Ripple token) is undoubtedly the most criticized within the community of crypto-enthusiasts, since it literally goes against the libertarian ideal of Satoshi Nakamoto when he created Bitcoin . But that doesn't mean the rest of the investors will be so sulky. The Ripple protocol has a good chance of becoming popular in the next 3 years. If its partnerships require the use of the XRP token (which is not mandatory to use the Ripple protocol), it is likely to see its value increase.


Chinese competitor of Ethereum, Neo also seems to have a bright future on the Asian continent. The Neo blockchain offers a very complete ecosystem adapted for BtoB use thanks to the use of the Ontology solution . Neo can claim good progress over the next three years, depending on the Chinese government's position on blockchains and cryptocurrencies.

Cardano (ADA)

Adapted to the requirements of the regulator, the Cardano project offers a blockchain that is also very complete. Its multi-layered protocol provides for the possibility of verifying the identity of network users to make regulatory control possible. On the technical level, it offers a very interesting cross between distributed registers, cryptography, and mechanical design. Coded in Haskell, it intends to meet the highest security requirements for use by the most critical systems.

ADA is a promising cryptocurrency, but on condition that it is viewed as a long-term investment. Its complexity suggests a very long development time and a difficult course. But everything comes at the right time to those who know how to wait.


The EOS project is one of the most ambitious in the blockchain ecosystem. Its main objectives are to be able to offer smart contracts while improving the scalability of the network compared to Ethereum, by being able to support several million users simultaneously. The popularity of the project is largely based on the figure of Daniel Larimer, CTO of BlockOne, but also creator of BitShares and Steemit.

Stellar Lumens (XML)

Stellar Lumens is an increasingly popular and increasingly used solution on the African continent. Transactions are fast, secure, and cost just pennies. Co-founded by one of the former founders of Ripple, Stellar has a good chance of competing with the latter by offering much more decentralized governance and a use geared primarily to individuals.


IOTA is the largest of the projects combining DLT and IOT. Based on a Tangle (directed acyclic graph) and not a blockchain, the project aims to find the most efficient and least expensive way possible to conduct micro-transactions. IOTA relies on very fine partnerships such as Bosch, the DNB bank as well as the UNOPS organization. The project is attracting the interest of large economic players, which may suggest that the cryptocurrency is for the moment rather promising.


Competitor of EOS, Lisk offers a blockchain ecosystem based on sidechains to allow the creation of decentralized applications with more scalability than Ethereum. The project has certain advantages over EOS, such as better decentralization of its governance (Delegated Proof of Stake protocol with 101 delegates, against 21 for EOS) as well as the provision of tools to developers. They will be able to develop their decentralized applications in JavaScript, without having to learn a new complex language.


TRON offers a decentralized platform for content distribution. Its blockchain aims to decentralize entertainment and content production by bypassing application platforms like Google Play or the App Store, but also giants like Youtube. The mainnet has recently been available and the project has every chance of continuing its roadmap. The figure of Justin Sun, very popular in Asia, participates in the hype of the TRON project.

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