Happy Holidays and Have Fun

I just want to say no matter when you entered this space, remember to have fun! I'm 100% guilty of having a podcast playing while reading an article while having a youtube video playing on the latest news stories but I'm taking this time to sit back and have fun with Crypto. Whether you're a bitcoin maxi or love every new shibu-variant just remember that this stuff is all alot more amazing than what you were doing before you were into crypto.

I legitimately cannot remember what podcasts and youtubers I was watching but none have brought me the good times of these past two years. I'm not even asking you to sit back and meditate like me, completely get that it's not for everyone, just don't forget have fun with this! Maybe we're early maybe we're not but just have fun!

Also Take 80% and leave me 20% I am a complete noob author.