Future wars could be about crypto.

The year 2020 has taught us a lot so far. The pandemic, the economic affairs and the conflicts around the globe proved that stability is something that does NOT describe the world we live in. The only constant is change and none of us can really know what every new day from now on will bring.

The ideological conflict that seemed to have taken place between the East and the West is not taking a new - more aggressive - form. And if we see the case at the geographical borders of these two different cultures, Greece and Turkey, we might actually witness an armed confrontation between these two countries.


Samuel P. Huntington seemed to be correct, when he mentioned in his book, The Clash of Civilizations, that "future conflicts between nations won't be because of ideological differences, but because of cultural ones". And this quote get more and more confirmed by the day.

As nations try to find their true identity in the modern world, the new technologies like the blockchain are getting improved with fast pace. Governments have seen the potential of this alternative economies and have taken positive steps to adopt them on their people. But choosing a specific cryptocurrency for a specific purpose is not a thing done on the fly. It means that this cyptocurrency serves the purpose of the government (or the company/individual) to accomplish a specific task.

In the future, nations and their governments will adopt various cryptocurrencies based on their cultural and ideological identity. To give an example, that means that a communist nation could pick (or design from scratch) a new crypto-coin that serves its purpose. The same applies to a capitalist one. and, even not so profound, this can be extended and applied to religions and regimes, or anything else that differentiates people and countries around this world.

So, as modern day wars are about wealth control, according to the natural order of events, future conflicts between nations could be about crypto, as more and more wealth is being gathered in the cryptoworld.