Free Keyword Staking Traffic Extended!

We are happy to announce that the initial free keyword staking traffic period has been extended until at least June 30th, 2021!

This might be an amazing opportunity to publish your PUBLISH0X posts!

Keyword staking can be accessed at

With more than 65 million PRE staked, the initial usage of the keyword staking platform has exceeded our expectations, and the thousands of users who’ve been beta testing have provided us with lots of great feedback and ways to improve the platform.

Now that we are preparing to release the new PRESEARCH decentralized search engine on January 28th, it makes sense to continue to extend the initial one-year free traffic offer that we made in January 2020 when we launched the keyword staking platform.

This additional 6 month period will allow stakers to test their ads out on the new search engine, and provide us with an opportunity to optimize the ad experience and grow the user base to maximize advertiser value before switching to paid traffic mode.

In the meantime, any marketer looking to reach an audience of savvy internet power users and cryptocurrency owners should look at the keyword staking platform and consider purchasing PRE tokens.

If you have questions, please join our Telegram community ( and ask one of our friendly, knowledgeable community members.