Fans balloting with tokens choose a winning team

Oct 12, 2020 08:56 UTC

| Updated:

Oct 12, 2020 at 09:09 UTC


By Clark

Fans selected the formation and therefore the assaultive lineup through blockchain. Then they won. Fans really understand the team best.

A eleven in Cyprus won against its rivals once it allowed fans to use blockchain technology and fan tokens to vote on its match lineup and formation, taking fan engagement to a brand new level.

Apollon FC, victimization fan token platform, won during a friendly match against rivals Aris Limassol, Socios aforesaid during a post. Apollon won six goals to zero.

With Socios, fans of Apollon UN agency bought its fan token APL had the chance to choose a series of polls. These determined the team’s formation on the pitch and to pick out its assaultive players. The fans selected a 4-2-3-1 formation, which means the fans needed four players on defense, 2 defensive midfielders, 3 assaultive midfielders, and one striker. 3 of the four players voted on by fans scored goals throughout the match. CEO Alexandre Dreyfus known as the day historic and expressed his pride within the level of interaction from each fans and officers at Apollon FC:

“Today & Apollon FC created history. The friendly match against Aris Limassol was the primary match ever to be powered by blockchain, with fans choosing the formation and therefore the players. I’m therefore proud to possess delivered this level of fan engagement for our partners Apollon FC, and for the fans to possess voted for the winning formation.”

According to Socios, APL rose thirteen throughout the match.

And it appears Apollon can still let fans dictate sure aspects of the team. Apollon head coach Soforonis Avgousti said:

“As a club, we wish to possess a reference to our fans and represent them within the best approach possible…we can offer our fans the possibility to assist American state and therefore the remainder of the team with the choice and hopefully, they’ll appreciate the very fact that we have a tendency to worth their opinion.”

Socios has partnerships with several soccer clubs round the world, together with massively well-liked ones like Barcelona, Paris Saint-Germain and Juventus. The Barcelona fan token BAR even sold move into but 2 hours. Socios additionally free the Visa open-end credit to permit users to earn fan token-powered rewards and different edges from their chosen soccer club.


Head of the technology.


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