Everyone is talking about Elon Musk but who is it anyway?

Everyone is talking about Elon Musk but who is it anyway? Well Elon Musk is the founder of the technology company Tesla. With a genius mind he aims to set up the world's first private rocket company – SpaceX. Elon Musk thinks he is one of the top of his field, giving the maximum potential he can. There is absolutely no doubt that he should be thinking about space exploration, especially now that we are all living in a simulation from the simulation technology he is helping to develop. That being said Elon Musk isn't simply taking to the skies on the first space flight on Elon's watch. Elon's first space flight will be in June of 2016 and it is a quarter of a million dollar ride on a billionaire. Elon Musk has said that he will attempt to make space flight affordable for everyone in the future.

Now, how is Elon Musk going to make space flight affordable? It's a quarter of a million dollar ride which will cost the average American around $90,000.

Elon is working with a space technology firm called SpaceX. SpaceX is designing and building the rocket which will take the space tourists from one side of the planet to the other in a quarter of a million dollars. It will take some getting used to but Elon believes that all of these people will go along with the endeavor.

Elon Musk wants to set up a space company which will look for other ways to make space travel cheaper.

Elon Musk's mission to make space travel affordable is something that will surely change the world. He is taking the stigma off of going into space and will encourage the others to follow him. Everyone wants to see space and now Elon Musk will show the world, he can make it possible. He will continue to set new records with a rocket which is capable of taking astronauts all the way to the moon.

Elon wants to send people to Mars on a trip which will last almost two years. This is an attempt to make space travel cheaper and hopefully further improve the life that people all around the world live. In order to achieve all this though Elon has to achieve more than anyone in history. That's right everyone wants to see space travel but how is Elon going to make it happen? Well Elon is working to complete the creation of the first private rocket company. What is that you might ask? Well Elon Musk is planning on establishing the world's first private rocket company which will be developing a space plane that could take off and land vertically from a launch pad and take people all over the world. Elon is thinking about opening the doors to space flight and hopefully some of the bigger companies will follow. This will take a lot of effort and money but if anyone can do it then it is Elon Musk.