Ethereum contest results!!!!

Yesterday, I ran a contest in which you could win Bitcoin by explaining in the comments 3 factors why you should invest in Ethereum. To decide who is the winner of this contest I will need your opinion so I will write the comments made by the participants and I want you to write in the comments who has been the person you liked the most. Today at 12 p.m. Spanish time, the contest will close and the person with the most votes has the amount of Bitcoin that we agreed on. (I'll talk to him to tell me his wallet) We start with the participants:


  1. Defi = Ethereum.
  2. Ethereum’s price by the end of 2021 will be 1K.
  3. 3.Smart contracts =NO NEED for intermediators or arbitrations.

Good luck everyone and happy holidays!!!


  1. Ethereum is projected as a network because the blockchain is not only used for smart contracts and transactions, but actual crypto assets are often built on top of the Ethereum blockchain.
  2. Ethereum price in 2020 will increase by almost 200 percent due to the development of decentralized finance/DeFi
  3. the DeFi system that is being loved by crypto players. Most of the DeFi network is built on the Ethereum platform


1.There has always been high hopes for this cryptocurrency, which is reflected in what everyone sees as achievable goals and real potential. This is especially the case where scaling and proof-of-stake are concerned.

2.There’s long been a determination to develop the network further so that more people can make use of it, with this scaling up expected to take place over the next five years. Ethereum 2.0 will allow the currency to flourish more than ever while also embracing a more significant user base.

3.The general purpose blockchain has and continues to be the main draw, and this is the reason why a dramatic decline in price at any point is unlikely, meaning Ethereum is on the up and will be for the next five years at least.

I hope you vote in the comments and say which one you think is the best as this will help me know who I should transfer the BTC to. If you want to be aware of more raffles or contests you can follow me on my PUBLISH0X account Happy start to the week!