Ether Classic Vs Litecoin

Just because a coin is in the top 100 market cap list doesn’t mean it’s worth buying. All that market cap shows is the price of the coin multiplied by the number of coins. Ether Classic may be number 35 on but that should not mean anything to you.

Ether Classic is a hardfork that was abandoned by the main Ether community. The majority of the developers and users are on Ethereum; the main chain. Ether Classic is not growing developers, uses or significantly improving it's software. I do not see any reason to think it has long term potential. I don't ever advise anyone to invest in this coin; just buy Ethereum and save yourself all sorts of problems.

Litecoin is a different ball of wax. It is seen as a Bitcoin competitor but may in fact have a completely different use case. Most Bitcoin holders believe that Bitcoin’s use case is store of value. Litecoin on the other hand seems to be a little better for making purchases; their are more coins and the blockchain is faster. If anything Litecoin’s main competitor is Bitcoin Cash but it’s community seems to be less toxic. Litecoin’s development is not as active as Bitcoin’s but it does have an active developer community and has plenty of users. I do think there are better coins to invest in than Litecoin but if you are making a cryptocurrency portfolio it’s not a bad choice.