ETH and Ethereum - Blockchain, Smart Contracts & more

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Introduction to Blockchains

Bitcoin is the first example of a digital asset which simultaneously has no backing or intrinsic value and no centralized issuer or controller. The underlying blockchain technology as a tool of distributed consensus is rapidly starting to shift to this other aspect of Bitcoin. Commonly cited alternative applications of blockchain technology include using on-blockchain digital assets to represent custom currencies.

Bitcoin's decentralized consensus process requires nodes in the network to continuously attempt to produce packages of transactions called "blocks" The network is intended to produce roughly one block every ten minutes, with each block containing a timestamp, a nonce, a reference to (ie. hash of) the previous block and a list of all of the transactions that have taken place since the previous one. Over time, this creates a persistent, ever-growing, "blockchain" that constantly updates.

Attacks and Types of Nodes

Attackers try to convince the network that his transaction to himself was the one that came first. A "full node" in the Bitcoin network, one that stores and processes the entirety of every block, takes up about 15 GB of disk space. A protocol known as "simplified payment verification" (SPV) allows for another class of nodes to exist, which download the block headers, verify the proof of work and then download only transactions relevant to them.

There are two approaches toward building a consensus protocol: building an independent network, and building a protocol on top of Bitcoin. Namecoin is the oldest, and most successful, implementation of a name registration system using such an idea. Metacoins have been used to implement some classes of financial contracts, name registration and decentralized exchange.

Bitcoin has major drawbacks

The scripting language as implemented in Bitcoin has several important limitations. Scripts can only be used to build simple, one-off contracts and not more complex "stateful" contracts such as decentralized organizations. Using scripting is easy to implement and standardize, but is very limited in its capabilities. Building a new blockchain allows for unlimited freedom in building a feature set.

Ethereum and Ether

Ether is the main internal crypto-fuel of Ethereum, and is used to pay transaction fees. In general, there are two types of accounts: externally owned accounts, controlled by private keys, and contract accounts controlled by their contract code. An externally owned account has no code, and one can send messages from an externallyowned account by creating and signing a transaction. In a contract account, every time the contract account receives a message its code activates, allowing it to read and write to

Each transaction is required to set a limit to how many computational steps of code execution it can use. The fundamental unit of computation is "gas"; usually, a computational step costs 1 gas. There is also a fee of 5 gas for every byte in the transaction data. Messages are virtual objects that are never serialized and exist only in the Ethereum execution environment.

Smart Contracts

The code in Ethereum contracts is written in a low-level, stack-based bytecode language, referred to as "Ethereum virtual machine code" or "EVM code" The code consists of a series of bytes, where each byte represents an operation. In general, code execution is an infinite loop that consists of repeatedly carrying out the operation at the current program counter (which begins at zero)

There are three types of applications on top of Ethereum. Financial derivatives, hedging contracts, savings wallets, wills, and even full-scale employment contracts. Token systems are surprisingly easy to implement in Ethereum. The main challenge in implementing financial contracts is that the majority of them require reference to an external price ticker.

Decentralized identity and reputation systems can be built on top of Bitcoin. Users can earn small amounts of money by renting out their own hard drives. The key underpinning piece of such a device would be what we have termed the "decentralised Dropbox contract"

A DAO is a piece of self-modifying code that changes if two thirds of members agree on a change. This essentially replicates the legal trappings of a traditional company or nonprofit but using only cryptographic blockchain technology for enforcement. A more sophisticated skeleton would also have built-in voting ability for features like sending a transaction, adding members and removing members, and may even provide for Liquid Democracy-style vote delegation.

Greedy Heaviest Observed Subtree

The "Greedy Heaviest Observed Subtree" (GHOST) protocol is an innovation first introduced by Yonatan Sompolinsky and Aviv Zohar in December 2013. The motivation behind GHOST is that blockchains with fast confirmation times currently suffer from reduced security due to a high stale rate. Any number of peer-to-peer gambling protocols, such as Frank Stajano and Richard Clayton\'s Cyberdice, can be implemented on the Ethereum blockchain.

In Bitcoin, transaction processing is not a market, so the vast majority of the cost of processing is borne by third parties. The mining power distribution may end up radically inegalitarian in practice. Speculators, political enemies and crazies can cleverly set up contracts where their cost is much lower than the cost paid by other verifying nodes.

An attacker creates a very long infinite loop with the intent of forcing the miner to keep computing for such a long time that by the time computation finishes a few more blocks will have come out. Miners could try to detect such logic bombs ahead of time by maintaining a value alongside each contract specifying the maximum number of computational steps that it can take. With this system, the fee system described and the uncertainties around the effectiveness of our solution might not be necessary.

How was Ethereum introduced?

Ether will be released in a currency sale at the price of 1000-2000 ether per BTC. The BTC received from the sale will be used entirely to pay salaries and bounties to developers and invested into various for-profit and non-profit projects. 26x the total amount sold will be allocated to miners per year forever after that point. Despite the linear currency issuance, just like Bitcoin over time the supply growth rate nevertheless tends to zero.

Like Bitcoin, the flaw that every transaction needs to be processed by every node in the network. The problem with such a large blockchain size is centralization risk. If the blockchain size increases to, say, 100 TB, then the likely scenario would be that only a very small number of large businesses would run full nodes.

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