Enhancement Lab in Crypotbrewmaster - First Steps

@Cryptobrewmaster has introduced recently a new game feature: Enhancement Lab. It's accessible in Beer Academy:

When we enter, all sections will be grey - inactive. To activate, one needs to buy Enhancers, available in the in-game shop:

I have opted for the "Milly Improvement Pack" for 19.99 HBD. The enhancers have been automatically applied to my Enhancement Lab:

They come in 4 colors. I got only green (Good) and blue (Outstanding). The enhancers are applicable to all resources (my screenshots shows two top rows - Brewing Water and 2 Raw Barley).


The enhancers combine two cards of a given resource into one, higher quality. For example, a green (=Good) Brewing Water enhancer will create 1 GOOD Brewing Water card from 2 NEUTRAL Brewing Water cards. A blue (=Outstanding) enhancer will combine either 4 Neutral or 2 Good cards into 1 Outstanding. And so on. The screenshot below shows Good Brewing Water enhancer with two Neutral cards selected. When I press "Start", I will immediately receive one Good Brewing Water card.


When buying an enhancer pack, we typically receive a few cards of the same type. Cards not in use, will be visible in our Backpack.

We can keep them for later usage or trade them for #CBM. I have put several cards on the market. It is an early stage of enhancers in the game, so prices are exorbitant and volatile. I don't think the cards will fetch very high prices - especially the Brewing Water one. The market - WE - will eventually adjust the prices according to supply and demand rules.

I am going to observe the Market and will share my observations after a couple of days. So stay tuned.