Elon Musk Backtracks on BTC; Idiots Lose Money

On news that Tesla would no longer accept BTC as payment, bitcoin took a 10% nosedive along with all of the other projects noobs blindly aped into because someone told them to.

Quite tellingly, blockchains like Solana gave back fewer gains than bitcoin and the major alts. Usually, alts take a bigger dip than bitcoin when bitcoin falls. There is a clear divide between mainstream crypto and in-the-know crypto, and it's good to see.

Perhaps not surprisingly, Energy Web Token was up 15%. Do they actually do anything? I don't know.

My personal story: I wake up to red across the board: chaos in my dapps; frontends not working, Coingecko over capacity, transactions failing, gas being stolen from me. My personal reaction: Yawn. Another Thursday.

I've done posts praising Elon Musk and gotten crap for it in the comments. The commenters probably assumed I was in the cult of personality like a lot of noobs. Nope. I was actually the one writing endlessly about the dangers of basing your crypthusiasm on "adoption announcements." That's why I hate influencers like Elliotrades and CryptoRUs and all of these cockblowers. They get everyone so excited about "partnerships" and "adoption" and even regulation. To them, all attention on crypto is good attention because it gets more people involved. I say not everyone has to be involved. And today's market shows that not everyone wants to be involved. The folks that got shaken out today after buying the top of the last altcoin rally will likely get pushed out of crypto until the next cycle. Good.

Dude, few. Matic is actually up. Solana is UP. Nano is up 20 freaking percent. The esoteric projects that aren't in the news every other article are actually doing well. It's just the stuff that got shilled to idiots on Tiktok, SNL, Youtube and in noob Clubhouse groups that got rekt.

If you're here, you're in the right place.

Oh yeah, did you give up on Swirl? Ah aaaaaahhhhhh. You saw it came back. If you've been farming through this whole dip, you're drippy right now. Diamond hands!


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Why you should buy your Tesla (and everything else) in BTC ---> Why You Should Buy Tesla With Bitcoin

Find out why Chainlink 2.0 is a problem for your freedom ---> Why Chainlink Will Kill Crypto

Gems I'm investing in:

Privacy - Swirl

Health - Defit

Banking - Fortube

Gaming - Abyss