Elon Musk and Tesla Doing Every Bit They Can to Help Curtail COVID-19

Elon Musk is known around the world for his philanthropic efforts, and in these disastrous times of the global pandemic, the Tesla chief is making a great effort to do his bit. Recently, he met with the Medtronic team to discuss the engineering of state-of-the-art, and was all praise for. He tweeted that Medtronic has an impressive team.

Replying to Musk’s tweet, Medtronic emphasized on the collaborative fight against novel Coronavirus, which has, as of date, killed over 14,000 and infected more than 343,000 in at least 190 countries. It said,

“Addressing #COVID19 is a group effort. We are grateful for the discussion with Elon Musk and Tesla as we work across industries to solve problems and get patients and hospitals the tools, they need to continue saving lives. We’re all in this together.”

Medtronic CEO Omar Ishrak and President Geoff thanked Elon Musk, and also emphasized on working together against the deadly virus, while also informing that Medtronic is trying to bring more and more ventilators in the market. As we have come to know, ventilators are among the essential medical machinery required to treat victims of COVID-19, and due to the sudden explosion of the disease, there’s a serious shortage of machines all over the world.

Apart from this, Elon Musk and Tesla also donated 50,000 units of N95 masks to UW Medicine, out of the promised 250,000 units that will be sent in a phased manner.