Earn more than $30 just by reading on Publish0x!!!!

If you are just a reader then the only option via which you can earn crypto is by tipping the authors. The tipping slider is present at the end of the blog post and it gives you an option to decide how much percent of total tip do you want to give the author and how much tip you want to keep with yourself.  

You can keep a maximum 80% of tip with you and give 20% to author or you can select any ratio between 80/20. Remember that the tips are free and come from the reward pool.

A reader is allowed to give a maximum of 5 tips in a day (typically 15 hrs of interval)

There's a gap of 10 minutes in every tip that you give.

The first 'in total' (the total amount of tip that would be split between author and reader) tip is of $0.05.

The second 'in total' is of $0.02.

The third, fourth and fifth tip is of $0.01.

(All these data is calculated by me on the basis of tips that I have given, it may vary for you.)

Hence, the total amount of tip you can give in a day is $0.11, in case you wish to keep the maximum amount with yourself, i.e. 80% of $0.11, or about $0.088.

So, for a whole month reading 5 posts per day, that would be roughly $2.70.

And after a year you can earn as much as $30 just for reading content that is free.