DOGECOIN versus XRP RIPPLE : Les brokers profitent de cette folie de marché créée par les Elon Musk

Hello everyone on this second article for Thursday 06/05/2021. I hope you are all fine and in good mood and health

Thank you to my readers and Thank you again to the 4302 persons who have subscribed to my YouTube Channel. Here is my video published on 04/05/21, "DOGECOIN versus XRP RIPPLE : Les brokers profitent de cette folie de marche creee par les Elon Musk"

I have published a series of videos where I warned people about the ways to invest.

As you probably noticed, last days, the hype around the cryptocurrencies is growing.

Especially Mr ELON MUSK created a huge hype around DOGECOIN.

I would say I admire dogecoin and ELON MUSK rrally, and i had myself a few DOGECOIN that I sold (and that was a mistake) very early.

The real question is : Did ELON , himself, bought DOGECOIN ? Or is it pure empty hype ?

No one could predict that the WEALTHY ELON would encourage DOGECOIN that , let's be honest.

And also don't forget that only one portfolio owns a tremendous quantity of DOGECOIN.

So, its growht is outstanding, let's recognize it and let's not be disgusted.

Be careful that some brokers as etoro, are a scam that are attracting people with fake offers. And with them, you cannot buy crypto, these are only CFD.

Especially when you see Paris Hilton, and other big boobs models advising you to buy CRYPTO.

I recommend you to stay far from CDF brokers.

They don't care about your interests.


For a



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Thank you for your reading