Disregard fiat: Why you should consider investing in decentralized digital assets.

Fiat is unarguably a brilliant invention. Yeah, you’ve got a couple of them stuffed somewhere. Well, probably. The Financially woke population has a clear preference for investing over saving. Saved cash hardly grows in value; in fact, regression is more likely.

Values of assets could go any direction at any time. Cash is known to be a more stable option, and safer…arguably. You’d want to stuff a lot of cash somewhere for ‘rainy days’. In our contemporary society, it rains every day, lol. While saving a relatively stable store of value is advisable, investing them have shown to have more returns, if done correctly.

Investing sounds easier than it actually is, this risk is actually the major reason why many prefers saving. ‘No risk, no reward’. Investors who have taken this risk have different stories to tell. The positive ones are always musical to the ears, the negative ones are discouraging. But either way, investing at least a percentage of your earnings is rewarding; most times.

Advancement in the financial sectors have provided an array of investment options. You could name a handful of investment opportunities in a few minutes. Stocks, securities, gold, oil, just too many.

Stocks are great, digital gold is a good investment too, but what about an investment that gives you total control over what you own? Decentralization in cryptocurrency gets rid of third parties and middlemen in handling some core financial activities such as blockchain-level send and receive. The freedom of being able to send a store of value across to anyone anywhere and not worry about exchange rates and delays due to the banks not processing payment, or even decline of payment due to some blurry reasons is something you should really pay some attention to.


Cryptocurrencies come with some enticing level of freedom and privacy in management of your finance and performance of some core financial activities. Probably this doesn’t sound so clear to you, but here in the crypto space ‘you are your own bank’.

Relative to other forms of investment, ‘decentralized digital asset’ is still a new concept. A greater percentage of investors are yet to fully grasp how they work exactly.

The features of blockchain technology are currently under-utilized and for any attentive investor, this technology is just starting to gain global recognition, and the only way is ‘up’! The future of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology may be speculative, but that’s a common step for inventions poised to change the way things are done globally. Taking a look at the bigger picture, cryptocurrencies and blockchain are one for the future. Its limits are beyond reach. Better said, there are no limits and impossibilities are just weak words thrown around by people who find it hard to chase dreams. This is same for cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.


Cryptocurrency investments are risky, but it is even more risky not to take a close look at the future and your biggest regret might be not securing a part of the future. Stocks will still be a part of the future, same as digitized precious metals and the fiat currencies, but cryptocurrencies are poised to be the new comers and might be an important part of the future. Shaun the risk, secure a place in the future, try making your way into the crypto space.

Before you bought your first stock, you probably had a couple of researches and nights of calculation, a very good number of investors do clever researches before putting their money on the road; a very important step in investments. Venturing into the crypto space, the scenario is almost the same. But in general, blockchain technology which powers cryptocurrencies glitters with many enticing features which are just too good to be ignored. ‘All that glitters are not gold’, yeah, I’m sure you said that to yourself at some point, but if gold glitters, then you’re closer to hitting gold if the glitters get more enticing.


For a technology, blockchains are one of the most interesting inventions of the past couple of decades. The ability it poses and its numerous applications are certainly one to look out for. Cryptocurrencies aside, blockchains are one of the most advanced computing protocols which is unsurprisingly gaining mainstream attention. An immutable store of data, a flexible network for building almost anything on the internet, the list is endless. Venturing into the crypto space is as good as swimming in the oceans of blockchain technology, getting used to what has been a tangible offset of traditional ways of data storage, internet, finance…to mention a few. Regardless of the risks, these features should make you give it a try.

I seriously resent the idea of cryptocurrency investments as a “get rich quick scheme”. But it is hard to ignore the fact that cryptocurrency investments make mouth-watering returns. For investments in the last decades, cryptocurrencies have made the biggest return on investments, posting up to 20X gains. The ‘fast money’ idea is surely an unhealthy one and an investor who really wish to be successful in the crypto space must first get rid of this orientation and embrace the technology and avoid being over expectant of their crypto bags. Regardless, there is an already proven fortune in cryptocurrency investment, but just like every good thing, this take a lot of time and requires some good level of patience and persistence.



Your Tesla stock might have made you some good gains over the past five years, but most cryptocurrencies have made way more during this same period of time, this is unarguable. With more risks come even more rewards, dive into the ocean, take the risks, give it some times, reap the fortunes.


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