Despite BitMEX’s Bad Day: Bitcoin Withdrawals Are Processed Normally

It’s perhaps safe to say that BITMEX has seen better days in terms of media attention. Earlier today, it was reported that the most popular Bitcoin margin trading exchange went through an email privacy issue which revealed the emails of a lot of users on the platform. A few hours, it appeared that the official BitMEX account was compromised, saying that all withdrawals will be suspended from tomorrow. Quickly enough, BitMEX responded that all funds are safe, which was also confirmed because withdrawals work just fine.

BitMEX Under Siege

The day started off with some bad news for BitMEX, the most popular Bitcoin margin trading exchange. Apparently, a lot of users’ emails have been revealed after the exchange went through a “privacy issue.”

What might sound like a serious attempt to target the privacy of BitMEX users was actually a mistake in one of the informational emails sent out by BitMEX. Evidently, the email contained the email addresses of other users in the “to” field rather the blind copy field, hence allowing the receivers to see other emails that the message was sent to.

The exchange made it clear that no other personal or account information has been leaked and that they maintain the highest privacy standards.

Going forward into the day, less than an hour ago, the following two tweets were posted on the official account of the exchange:

The tweets has since been deleted and BitMEX has come up with an official statement on the matter.

BitMEX Fends Off Worries

What might have caused a reason for worry in many traders, however, was quickly dismissed as nothing but “trolls” targeting BitMEX’s Twitter account.

Moreover, it is also obvious that the withdrawals from the exchange are entirely intact and that no funds have been compromised.

Successful BitMEX Bitcoin Withdrawal

The aforementioned events highlight the importance of fact- and source-checking before jumping to conclusions or giving in to FUD. Obviously, the exchange is working just fine and there’s nothing wrong with neither the withdrawals or the funds that are on it.