DailyCryptonews by cryptoborges - 24/01/2021

Hi huys hope you enjoy your daily dose of crypto news.

It’s time for Hollywood to move to blockchain. Yes, you read that right

With inspiration from past decentralized success, other industries are following suit — and the film industry should be next.

In a decentralized world where the film industry would be, creators could upload their project concepts on a blockchain platform and promote them by interacting with fans and investors

Accredited investors could then evaluate the data on fan engagement and feedback and then determine what films to invest in. Via tokenization, retail investors could also be free to invest and receive dividends for their financial contributions. The possibilities are endless in the means to induce fan–creator relations.

In this kind of ecosystem, creators would be empowered to raise capital for the production from not just the traditional channels but from multiple sources. Ultimately, the fans who pay tickets to see the films would be the ones green-lighting projects.

Hat-trick hero: Empty stadiums get blockchain and soccer to play together

Soccer clubs are now resorting to blockchain and crypto for fan engagement, tokenization and even new signings, with the potential for many more use cases.

Although technically this is not the first recorded Bitcoin transfer, amateur Turkish club Harunustaspor bought 22-year-old player Omer Faruk Kiroglu back in 2018 for 0.0524 Bitcoin and 2,500 Turkish Lira. This move was performed to gain attention for the club in international media for doing “something new” but not necessarily sparking blockchain adoption in soccer.

Alejandro Laplana, CEO and Founder of Shokworks — a company that develops digital platforms for various brands and sports teams — discussed AC Milan’s move with Cointelegraph:

“This is great because it can engage their 250 million (+) fans all across the globe and include them in exercises like voting and direct feedback in club policy. Moreover, this can further engage them with gamified loyalty and rewards programs via secure smart contracts that reward engagement with additional tokens. It can also help build liquidity by listing their tokens in exchanges.”

In addition to AC Milan, other soccer clubs, such as Juventus, Paris Saint-Germain, Arsenal and Manchester City are becoming participants in the blockchain and crypto community.


Fan engagement during COVID-19

Since fans are not in the stadiums, tokens provide them with voting rights in club-specific polls or give them access to VIP experiences or can be redeemed against exclusive club merchandise.

Another way to engage fans is through trading cards and fantasy soccer games based on a blockchain.

The United States updates its crypto AML/CFT laws

Cyberpunk 2077’s dystopian future can be avoided with blockchain tech

Is Bitcoin a waste of energy? Pros and cons about Bitcoin mining


images via coinmarketcap


images via coinmarketcap

It's all for today guys see you tomorrow with more news.