Daily Thoughts Heating Up #2 - Harvest.Finance

Recently you may have seen a writing competition advertised and put forward on Publish0x.


These contests come often on the platform and are a great way to build community, share information, earn crypto and even gain knowledge.

Connect across the different platforms, be it Publish0x, ReadCashBlog or even Uptrennd, there is something which is so satisfying about the work everyone is doing to further the craft.

Daily Thoughts on Harvest.Finance.

As with most who have put forward articles on Harvest.Finance and are looking at the budding opportunities with FARM and the other assets across so may different DeFi liquidity providers, the field can be complex to navigate.

Now I am taking a few moments. 10 minutes to be exact and write my daily thought about what I am seeing in the realm of Harvest.Finance, good/bad & the not-so-sure.


It's really easy to point out that the opportunities seem to be mooning in terms of what is available, what is thought of and what is in operation.

When you think about it, on the surface to see any asset class where the non-commercial side has had first go at it, as well as finding returns that are 300, 400, even 500 percent or more are mind blowing to even the most forward leaning of leaders.

How can this not be the true dawning of the Age of Aquarius. The dissolution of systems and upgrades and downloads of epic proportions appears to be happening right before our eyes. It's quite shocking.


Fees! The biggest thing that I see at the moment is the pesky three letter word, better known as fees. It's quite shocking and on many levels, staggering beyond believe.

I saw a funny meme not too long ago about someone with $100 who was excited to put $20 to work after paying $80 dollars in fees. Well, if that's what freedom is defined by, then we better hit the books again because we missed a step or something.

In this authors humble opinion the whole premise behind many of the originated peer to peer systems was much different than what we are seeing today.

That all being said, amazing progress has been made and we can always improve.


When I read about folks who are amassing small fortunes from risk management and more specifically risk taking in the realm of decentralized finance, interests definitely pique.

Harvest Finance and its FARM token seem to be in a unique position to do something about bringing together opportunities from across the spectrum. That's why we are all in this right?

Well maybe not all, but quite a few.

So looking ahead there's plenty of "not-so-sures" to think about, but then again, when isn't there?

Bet the Farm

So at the end of the day, it could be easy to bet the farm on what is happening with Harvest Finance. Yet, we all know that diversification is a great way to go about business if not required to be uber successful longer term.

Now that we are thinking DeFi & FARM, my 10 minutes are up. Until tomorrow...