CryptoTab: Earn BTC while Browsing? 😲

So as you all may know, I'm a sucker for crypto mining apps and I just stumbled upon a new app/browser called Crypto Tab. I just downloaded it via Google Playstore and would like to have a breakdown of its potential, profitability and first impressions.

Download and earn BTC NOW with CryptoTab Browser

1. My Experience

I've only used a day so far but its seems to me based on the reviews it is decent and reliable with 1Million+ downloads and 4.3 rating. Fast browser, interactive user interface and sleek design makes it easier for mass adoption. How about earnings then? Lets have a deeper look

2. Earnings 

Putting my expectations too high with CryptoTab would not be good idea since the majority of BTC mining power belongs to the big companies running them, making it overcrowded.

But don't put your hopes to low now. It seems you can have a fair share of that mining with CryptoTab and its very simple. Just download and leave it running. My phone has not yet overheated and battery usage has stayed the same. I recommend for you to opt for the free version first to get a hang of the mining.

However CryptoTab has a referral program with up to 10 levels of referral for you to earn! This where mamy are interested to join CryptoTab. Just sign up and refer your friends and its that simple. The highest % of referral earning is a whopping 15%. Have a look at the potential earnings: 


The affiliate program benefits both you and crypto browser by gaining more traction towards the platform. With BTC price climbing, the time is good to earn BTC at any amount to fill up your bags. I will be reviewing my progress and the project in the future and give my my full thoughts about it. If you are eager to try out, you can download CryptoTab using this link

Happy mining and stay safe!