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SEC Chairman Jay Clayton will step down by the end of this year. Let's not touch on the rest of his work, but let's see what he did for crypto, because, whatever it was, this is a key figure for our market.

His reign brought the department a record inflow of monetary fines from numerous ponzi and ICOs (in 2020, the SEC raised $ 4.68 billion, of which $ 1.26 came from ICOs).

And despite the fact that, in his own words, the department's approach to the regulation of cryptocurrencies was "balanced" and protecting investors, many consider its activities a stumbling block for the development of the crypto industry.

It is understandable, because under Clayton, all proposals to launch a Bitcoin ETF were rejected.

The founder of Techcrunch, Crunchbase and Arrington XRP Capital Michael Arrington believes that Clayton's departure from the SEC is a real victory for the cryptocurrency community.

Perhaps this position is too categorical, but it really does not hurt a fresh look at the regulation of blockchain technology.