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What is POWR coin?

power LEDGER is an australia-based startup that's combining two innovative technologies blockchain and solar power. their goal is to transform global energy markets and ultimately power the world through renewables the company's blockchain-enabled technology promotes peer-to-peer solar energy trading allows consumers to sell their excess electricity to other residential and commercial users.

The main value of the power ledger is that it seeks to solve the biggest problem in renewable energy at the moment. Plenty of countries and regions are finding that when they pack lots of solar and wind into the grid, life becomes difficult rather than getting plentiful and cheaper electricity together with carbon reduction and electricity security. The exact opposite happens: they use up their carbon allowance or targets, their consumers pay more and they become insecure about their energy supplies. power ledgers believe that the way to solve this is to not keep doing what is already being done, so many now believe that what's going to solve the problem is changing the electrical system from a centralized one to a distributed one. Power Ledger has developed an energy trading platform that is based on the ethereum blockchain and Power Ledger's own consortium blockchain. The software can help people track and trade energy flexibility services and trade environmental commodities. This means ordinary solar rooftop owners can help the grid rather than just expecting it to be the other way around. The platform can track, validate, and provide an audit trail of every solar energy transaction in near real-time, allowing for greater transparency and increased automation, ultimately creating a fully functioning market rather than a glorified command economy.

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