Crypto Revolt Review 2020 – Is It a Scam or Not?

Crypto Revolt claims that, as a Bitcoin trader, it can provide users with profits of up to $1,000 daily. But there’s more. According to its website, the initial capital is only $250. Their website also says that their software has been designed to be user-friendly.

Anyone who spends time looking at cryptocurrency news knows that Bitcoin is extremely volatile. In a market like this, if a user does not act when the opportunity is right, they might lose their whole investment. This is what made the idea of automated trading robots so popular. Since 2017, this industry has become a dominant force used by traders. Robots allow traders to make moves without needing to manually input information.

If you think you are reading something out of science fiction, you are not. The use of robots in cryptocurrency trading is a reality.

Many cryptocurrency trading robots make decisions based on automated algorithms using artificial intelligence. They have been designed to read profitable signals and then make trades for the users in an intelligent way. The idea is that users can easily make profits without needing to put forth effort on their part. There are a number of added features that make trading easier for the user. We are going to discuss some of these features later on in the article.

If the idea of trading using an automated currency trading robot is new to you, then we encourage you to read this Crypto Revolt review. We don’t want you to lose your initial capital because of not understanding this process. Even if you have a lot of experience as a cryptocurrency trader, there are a number of things we are going to discuss what you need to pay attention to when using this software.

Without further ado, let’s dive into the topic.

Can You Trust Crypto Revolt?

It only makes sense that before you invest your money into something, you do your due diligence and see how reliable or trustworthy it is. There are a number of Crypto Revolt reviews on Google showing that people are interested in the subject. As with all things, there are going to be negative and positive reviews. That’s why we wanted to start out answering this question. The answer to this question determines whether you use the platform or not. From our standpoint, the Crypto Revolt review is trustworthy.

Many forms of software have become famous in the world of cryptocurrency trading, including Bitcoin Loophole and Bitcoin Revolution. The functionality of Crypto Revolt is on par with this software. After doing our due diligence, we have discerned that this software has a win rate of 90 percent. This puts it up on the best list. For every 100 deals placed, Crypto Revolt wins profits 90 percent of the time.

An In-Depth Review of Crypto Revolt

As we mentioned, Crypto Revolt places cryptocurrency deals as an automated trading robot on behalf of users who register with the software. It has been successful as an automated crypto bot. We have seen win rates of between 88 and 90 percent. You are going to see some fraudulent platforms out there that promise a 100 percent return on profit. That is unreasonable because no software can offer that type of return.

This automated system is designed to notify you when the time is right for placing a trade. It does this by evaluating a number of profitable signals, even before your competitors can. The truth is that if the market rate is going in the negative direction, it’s possible to lose. This is one of the reasons why the minimum initial investment is $250. It gives you a little bit of buffer for any potential risk.

Software Features


The website promises you the ability to make up to $1,300 each day. That sounds like a phenomenal amount of money. For some people, it is enough to make some question whether this software is legitimate. But do not fret. It is common for professional traders to make this amount of money and more every single day based on their deals.


This platform has been designed with an easy verification process. You activate your account by entering your deposit, and you are verified. There’s no need for bank statements, bills, or other information.

Withdrawals and Deposits

The process of taking out money and depositing money at Crypto Revolt is easy. You should be able to withdrawal your money in around 24 hours. The same is true with deposits. Deposits usually happen instantly, once you determine your method of payment and the amount you wish to deposit.

 Cost and Fees

Crypto Revolt doesn’t charge you broker fees. There are no hidden charges. The money in your account is yours. You are not charged commission at any point in the process.

 Extra Features:

 User Testimonials

There is nothing as motivating as seeing other people who have been successful investing where you want to invest. That’s why this software offers a number of testimonials from real users who been successful with the software. They explain what they do and how they are able to do it.

Customer Service

This platform provides amazing customer service. You can contact them via live chat. You can also email them and have the confidence that they will respond to you in no time. They will be available to help you if you face problems at any point during the trading.


This platform offers only the most trustworthy brokers. They don’t ask for additional fees. There are strict guidelines that they have to follow, which makes it easier for you to go about doing trades in a way that you can trust.

How Does the Crypto Revolt Process Work?

We feel it’s good for you to understand what a crypto trading robot is. Think about what life was like just a few decades ago when you could not book a ticket for an airplane, movie, or concert online. You had to leave your home, stand in line, and fill out a bunch of paperwork.

Now, you are able to book a plane ticket from the comfort of your mobile phone. All you need is an Internet connection, an account, and an application in order to carry out the task.

In this analogy, the app or the platform you use to book your ticket can be compared to the Crypto Revolt software. The human factor is taken out of the equation, and the software does the work for you by making a trade based on specific statistics and criteria that you select. The goal is to help you make money off of each trade. The success of this platform is seen in that Crypto Revolt has a 90 percent profit rate.

Crypto Revolt has been designed to be user-friendly. It works based on unique algorithms for cryptocurrency trading. These are the tools that make it possible for you to buy and sell Bitcoin for the most profit. All the tools that are available for you are easy to understand. You are able to customize the trade settings so that you can do your crypto trading in a way that matches your style.

Before cryptocurrency trading software was available, all of the tradings could only be done by financial experts. Now, anyone who has a basic understanding of how cryptocurrency trading robots work can make money in almost no time. There are countless accounts of individuals who have been able to get debt-free after trading. Isn’t that just amazing?

What Is Needed to Open an Account with Crypto Revolt?

The fact that you have made it this far means that you are starting to see for yourself how valuable this platform can be. Now, we want to outline for you the steps needed to register on Crypto Revolt.

  • First, create a login at Crypto Revolt. You will include your email address and your full name.
  • You will also need to set up a password that is no less than six characters but not more than 10 characters. You want your password to be unique in that it includes letters, numbers, uppercase, lowercase, and unique symbols.
  • Next, you will be asked to provide your country of residence along with contact numbers.
  • Next, click the button that says “Get Started Now.”

It’s that easy. With just a few clicks of the mouse, you have registered at Crypto Revolt.

How to Start Trading with Crypto Revolt

In order to trade, you need to have money to trade with. Money should be transferred to your broker account. We encourage you to take the time to become familiar with the platform before you deposit money. Once you understand the platform and are comfortable with it, you will be able to choose how you are going to make the deposit and the amount that you are going to deposit.

The minimum amount that you can deposit is $250. You can deposit money using cash or cryptocurrencies. Many people deposit cryptocurrencies into the software since this is what they will be trading in.

Common sense dictates that the more money you put in, the more profit you could make. However, the more money that you put in, the greater the risk you may face. This is why we encourage first time traders to start with a lower amount. Once they develop confidence with the platform, they can start to build their way up. Our recommendation is for new traders to begin with a minimum of $250 and then slowly increase that amount using the money they earn from buying and selling their stocks.

 Can I Practice Using a Demo Account?

At the time of this writing, the answer to that question is no. This might be frustrating to newcomers to Crypto Revolt. What the designers of this software have done is made all of the settings of the software viewable to all of their users, even if the user has not placed a trade. You are able to look through the menu section, look at all of your options, and then place an actual trade once you understand how everything works. The only thing that’s not made available to you is a demo. Once you become familiar with how the platform works, you won’t need that because you will understand the settings.

Live Trading

Once you feel that you have mastered the functionality of the platform, you can to make the switch to live trade mode. You have the option to choose auto trading. Manual trading is available, but it is something that only expert traders should do. Beginners may be able to make a profit with auto trading. As you go through this process, you will to be able to determine your minimum payouts and how much of your investment you want to trade. Then, sit back and let the system do its job.

 Can I Use a Mobile App for Crypto Revolt?

Unfortunately, there is not a mobile app available for the software at this time. However, if you have a good Internet connection and a functioning browser on your mobile device, you can easily navigate the system on your tablet, mobile phone, or computer.

Is Crypto Revolt a Software Endorsed by Celebrities?

The short answer is no. You have likely come across some hoax advertisement that says that this platform has been endorsed by this celebrity or another. However, according to the platform and according to informative websites, this is not true. Crypto Revolt is a solid company that does not have any form of media or celebrity endorsements. Stay away from gimmicky sites that make false claims like this.

One of the false claims that keeps popping up is that Gordon Ramsay has recommended Crypto Revolt. That’s not true. This is fake news. Gordon Ramsay, nor any other celebrity, has been linked to this platform.

Pros and Cons of the Software


  • A win rate of 90 percent
  • Excellent user reviews
  • Trustworthy brokers who work in a regulated environment
  • Safe transactions
  • Easy/quick withdrawals
  • Multiple deposit methods


  • Although the platform is automatic, market risks still exist and you may lose your investment
  • No demo mode provided

 Our Final Thoughts

We wholeheartedly recommend this automated cryptocurrency trading robot. We feel that it is good for both buying and selling. We think that this is the ideal platform for those who are new to the world of crypto trading.

Although the software does not have the option of making a demo account, the ability to see the full functionality of the platform prior to making a trade allows you to trade with knowledge and confidence.

The entire platform is designed to be simple and straightforward. Everything from the registry and process down to the actual trade is simple and clear-cut. You are able to withdrawal your money in around 24 hours.

Something that we want to emphasize is that is a good idea to begin trading with a small amount of money. Even if you have traded before, keeping that balance of $250 prevents you from losing everything in the event that a market adjustment temporarily goes against you.

Now, it’s time for you to see what Crypto Revolt is all about. Register today and start making money now.


Q: How Quickly Can Profits Be Withdrawn?

A: Withdrawals happen within 24 hours.

Q: Is There a Limit on the Number of Trades I Can Do?

A: No, you will be able to place unlimited trades.

Q: How Much Time Do I Need to Dedicate to Trading Every Single Day?

A: Most people are able to adjust settings in their favor, using only 15 or 20 minutes every single day.

Q: How Much Should I Expect to Make with This Software?

A: The software claims you can make up to $1,300 each day. However, as with all things related to investing, the market dictates how much you will make. You could find yourself making more than $1,300 daily, or you could find yourself making less. We strongly encourage you to familiarize yourself with the platform and familiarize yourself with the cryptocurrency market. This will allow you to make decisions that will best suit your investing style and needs.

Q: Is There a Guarantee That Trades Will Make Profits?

A: In trading, nothing is guaranteed. However, according to tests, the cryptocurrency bot was found to be accurate and was found to make trades that were profitable for the trader around 90 percent of the time.

Q: Are There Hidden Fees for Using This Software?

A: No. The software is completely 100 percent free of commission. As you go through the application process, you will learn more about how the software makes money and how that impacts your ability to trade with it. All of their trades are transparent and clear. There is no hidden agenda.

Here is our unbiased review of the Crypto Revolt platform. As always, we would love to hear from you. Have you worked with this platform before? What are the things that you have enjoyed about it? What tweaks would you like to see in the future? Please feel free to let us know in the comments section below.

Keep an eye out for future posts on the subject. Until then, have a great day.

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Crypto Revolt Review 2020 – Is It a Scam or Not? was last modified: January 13th, 2020 by Guest Author