Crypto Loving (places/countries) WorldWide

We get it, they do not want or like the decentralisation of things, especially assets and finances. The whole system is build around centralisation, all schools, banks, most businesses, most industries too, even the soleprenuer who wants to think he or she is independent, they are selling themselves sugar coated lies.


True decentralisation is answering to no one. You call the shots and every time this had been introduced in history, reformation was called forth. Revolutions came due to people wanting more freedom from big brothers eye, but big brother don't want to let go. When you were young you'd go out somewhere with your parents and the moment you point out something you want they tell you what? 


" We got it at home" typical right? 


So watch the news and see other countries do great, what does your country say to you? " Stay home! " Haha... All-Pun intended! 


Here are the countries that will let you have your freedom in finance, in your life! Most of these countries offer filing taxes in bitcoin, you can start a bitcoin based business and much more, with the freedom to tell about it.


What's the big deal?

 Keep in mind that there are countries in the world that have laws explicitly against cryptocurrencies. The recent turnaround of these laws was Venezuela, now they are busy mining Bitcoin. They keep talking of human right, implement cryptocurrencies in the human rights charter, amend that sh*t!

So if you ever find yourself looking for a place to move to, that accepts your DeFi choices here's some of the best countries or places to live in on bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies wether trading or just hodling it.


The Countries


1. Switzerland

2. Malta

3. Liberland

4. Bermuda


6. Gibraltar

7. Singapore

8. Estonia

9. Georgia

10. Belarus

11. Hong Kong

12. Japan

13. Germany


Thailand and most South East Asian countries have cryptocurrencies setups in entertainment, food and beverage industries. Some countries have specific places that residents are one in routing for financial freedom through cryptocurrencies. Here are the top cities


The Cities

1. San Francisco

2. Vancouver

3. Amsterdam

4. Tel Aviv

5. Ljubljana

6. Zurich

7. Tampa, Florida

8. Buenos Aires

9. New York

10. London


There is definitely so much more to the list than this. Like the newly launched Akoin, the Akoin has been a wonderful project in the making. To put it out there bluntly, freedom for the next guy is very much necessary for my well-being. If it bothers you, I'm sure your belief system will gravitate you away from me in some way or the other. 













Supreme love and light


Current constellation positions


Last quarter in virgo ?


Mercury in Sagittarius

Venus in Scorpio


Neptune in Pisces


Jupiter, Pluto & Saturn in Capricorn


Mars in Aries ?


Uranus in Taurus


Bless up!


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