Crypto Education - Mastering Bitcoin

It is fun to talk about numbers. The rush you get when you realize BTC hit all time highs this week is unmatchable. Yes, even I feel that without even owning one full BTC. I can only imagine how euphoric someone would be if they have been stacking BTC since 2017 and are finally seeing what they believe all along. Good for all the HODLrs and for all the believers. It is their time to shine and they better enjoy the limelight.

As someone who did not see the previous highs and never really had to endure the pain of the bear market, I may not fully understand the highs and lows of the game. What I have done since I started my crypto journey since the Pandemic happened is to focus on understanding crypto. I am a voracious reader. I don't mind what I read or where I read. It could be a blog on Leofinance, a technical analysis on Hive or a crypto-analysis on Publish0X. I like them all and I do not discriminate. I love to read macroeconomic analysis and scenario depiction that @taskmaster4450 does and I religiously follow @tarazkp and @edicted for their insightful posts. Apart from that, it is fun to read the non-financial advice @toofasteddie gives to his followers :) There are many other names I could write down here. Having said that, I learned a lot from all Hive/Leofinance users who shared their perspectives on crypto at one time or the other. The whole Hive experience is part of my crypto education. I value this and cherish the network I made here in 2020.

In addition to that, I follow a number of podcasts to learn about crypto perspective. After all, I have decided to invest my time and energy into crypto and I better understand what I am getting into. There are many podcasts like Unchained, Unconfirmed, Coindesk crypto, What Bitcoin Did, Bankless, Into the Ether and many others who are working tirelessly to provide crypto content to enthusiasts like me. It is great that we have these resources available. It is a lot easier to read/listen about crypto now. Please suggest if you know any other good podcasts.

Finally, I have also read a couple of books written on blockchain technology and bitcoin, obviously. Books give you the macro perspective the deep-dived articles cannot provide. It is to set the stage and that's why I decided to read a book called " The Blockchain Alternative - Rethinking Macroeconomic Policy and Economic Theory. This was the first book I read on Blockchain and I absolutely loved it. It provided me with the context I was looking for as it was written around 2016 when blockchain was not as developed.

Right now, I am reading my second book. This book is specially focused on Bitcoin. I want to understand why Bitcoin is so valued and loved by everyone. It is pointless if I believed in something without understanding the basics. This is called "Mastering Bitcoin". I hope this is good for my crypto education. I will let you all know in a post when I am done reading this.

I firmly believe that crypto and blockchain are much more than trading and quick profits. And, crypto education is key in raising awareness and increasing the number of aware people.

This post was first published on LeoFinance Beta