Crypto Currency is now like gun ownership the government is afraid for the people to have it.

The American Spirit Will Take Only So Much Suppression Before It roars like a lion and strikes like a cobra. Power mad officials who are in on the great "Reset" of COMMUNISM of the globalist elite like Mnuchin, Powell, and all elites who think they have the power to control peoples lives and their money. That is tyranny. It is bad enough the US Dollar is a joke of a currency thanks to the likes of the Brenton Woods summit and the creation of a system designed to fail in X amount of years. 2% inflation in the stated goal of the Federal Reserve for years. Smiling as they steal two percent of your wealth  year after year and expect you to be happy about it. Don't rock the boat of these self appointed leaders who are all part of a organization of self-righteous narcissist. In love with themselves and their power. Obsessed with control as if they are being pushed by something other than their own self interest. 

Mnuchin is playing a power grab for the bankster hucksters, he works for stealing wealth, privacy and freedom. Republican are showing how much they really love capitalism by doing what they always do. Destroy freedom, just like the Democrats they both hate any freedom the people have because it threatens their power over you. Crypto Currency is now like gun ownership the government is afraid for the people to have it. The government prying into your private lives on a whim of Steve "The Hack" Mnuchin. Just more government destruction of freedom, just like the "Patriot Act", the Affordable Care Act, what a joke, freedom stolen and fools feel safer.