Crypto Community Criticizes Justin Sun’s Marketing of TRON During Coronavirus Outbreak

TRON founder Justin Sun has been criticized by members of the crypto community for using the coronavirus outbreak in China as an opportunity for marketing. 

Sun, who also serves as CEO of the TRON Foundation, published a tweet on Jan. 28 with pictures of him and other staff members wearing respiratory masks in front of boxes of equipment. According to the tweet, Sun claimed that TRON was supporting the effort against the coronavirus outbreak, which is already responsible for the deaths of more than 250 Chinese citizens. 

A previous tweet by the TRON Foundation claimed the organization was shipping medical supplies to Wuhan, giving some context for Sun’s photos. 

However, members of the crypto community were split on Sun’s post, with some viewing it as an inappropriate marketing stunt. 

Other members took a less cynical approach, applauding Sun and the TRON Foundation for their support. 

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