Crypto brew master tutorial- update splinterlands and hive engine investing techniques

Despite how fun the game is and Crypto Brew Masters is fun, if it takes place on the blockchain, It is potentially profitable, is this always true no like any investment its a gamble or a bet. Betting on a sure thing is even a bet you just happen to have lower odds of loosing from your perspective(or your cheating) IE market manipulation a big no no.

While yes I'm going to do a tutorial in this article call me the market myth buster because people seem to be confused on what can be profitable. Dont cheat or anything but you can make profit o blockchain games following the rules IE no bots fake accounts.

Artifacts explained

An artifact in this context is a in game NFT Bought either from other players or in packs from the in game store.

Cheapest pack is 5 (HBD) Hive Backed Dollars Containing 5 Artifacts & the price increases with the number of cards and the odds of producing or getting a higher rarity card. After you got an artifact how do you use it?

First enter the Academy (Where you produce yeast same building)

The new menu looks like this

Click enhancement Lab bringing up this menu

I find that cheap sells better with a larger profit margin so while orange is always good I get much more use off the Blue and two green yeast cards I have then my oranges due to the materials required for production being cheaper.

see 4 greys

4 blues costing more in certain situations especially considering the usefulness of the seeds being significantly lower compared to yeast hops water ECT.

From this menu put the resources in the lab by clicking the rarity that has enough to be in color.

Profit analysis

Okay this is a personal grievance toward the investment Hive front end(s) Users getting to big for their britches. You can make a profit trading an in game item now that NFTs are a reality like in Crypto Brew Masters (CBM) for instance this statement is more real then ever before. Collectables are always profitable if the franchise or in this case game is popular. CBM Is surprisingly fun and fairly popular I joined shortly after they fixed the issues people exploited to profit unethically from the game. Since I joined three months ago CBM has rolled out update after update fixing issues adding prizes to the challenges in the form of HIVE & introduce WAX NFTs and New in Game Items.

I have had every referral keep playing since I got here I added 10 players, judging by how many people are competing every week for that HIVE this is a resurgence in popularity from when I started.

So we established the game is popular that's check 1 check 2 what purpose does the collectable serve. While I doubt people are playing Pokemon with a $1,000,000 Charizard it served a purpose many years ago to children playing the game destroying a limited minting heightening nostalgia and decreasing availability. A in game item is a bit different But rarity is a factor still but a bigger one is usage.

What purpose does this item serve how rare is it in the established market. While Diablo 2 what I originally sold game items for is a RPG with armor and weapons this is a process called farming doing something simple over and over hoping the RNG gods shine upon you.

CBM use to require something similar do a task with a repaired facility the odds are blue or higher the condition of the facility decreases with the NFT value odds.

Now with the artifacts you take sub par NFTs from either the store or your own inventory combine them to make something rare. The availability in the market is a huge factor that effects perceived value. So i shoot for uncommon like yeast hops or wheat malt. The other items are either to common or to rare to profit on.

##Profit margin

I get the best profit margin from the blue artifact wheat malt.

2 cbm gets 1 green so this means the cost to produce 1 blue is 4 cbm I sell my Blue wheat malt for 10-12 CBM.

All Artifacts are Green or higher personally I find the packs worth it but If your struggling to afford a whole pack you can keep an eye on the market. I bought two artifacts from the market from other players at a cheaper price point then the average

of the cheapest pack price divided by the number of units. Usually people post the greens for 200 CBM But I have bought one for 90CBM and one for 110 CBM.

Not all games are fun not all blockchain games are profitable But crypto brew masters is both addictively fun and becoming surprisingly profitable. This isn't even getting into the fact that they give out prize money many times a week that is surprisingly easy to qualify for.

Join up, check it out, brew up some profits

Updated again 

I wrote this as an article for hive 24hrs ago now Crypto brew masters launched a new update since then good god their pace is astounding, Any way the new update finally makes it possible to Have guilds and the Town hall is unlocked this is literally brand new info with just two users signed up so far. Cost is 1000 ASH a crypto built with Hive engine given as a reward to their authors a gaming centric hive front end or partner site on the same blockchain as Hive. The ASH also may be purchased directly from or If you use this method to play the game its cheaper and easier I'm not sure how to get ASH W/O a Hive account. Though yes its a blog or in this case a game its all on a LEDGER system based on hive engine

Use this to get a hive account 

Once you get your keys be sure and   copy those you will need them I suggest a file is kept open and immediately sign up for this 

You will make your life so much easier because like a web wallet there are several addresses with your hive account essentially a web wallet this requires either entering specific master keys manually or using key chain that turns the 4 keys to a chosen single pass word password. Hivesiner is the key to the hive kingdom getting you into a large number of Hive front ends and games exchanges. Say your more an investor less a gamer or author.


See the SWAP coins those just think of as wrapped ETH coins for Hive designed to mirror the price.

 simply deposit the corresponding asset you get their swap equivalent in value to trade in this market easier 

  There are several Markets on Hive engine these are some what isolated but they are starting to become very profitable to hodl. Assets that like Neo generate another coin miners and mega miners to generate 4x the amount of the normal miner Leo is around $0.65-$0.70 and can be mined via these staking assets. also spred coins that generate resources through bots curation staking of a set account assets then paid out to staking parties a proportional percent of profits.

Game investing Like ASH CBM and SPLINTERLANDS Currency DEC/plots of land /totems/card packs as well as several other game assets can be bought and sold on hive engine to or from other users so its a user market meaning you can get astounding discounts to game nfts and currency giving you the edge saving your money and giving you an advantage over the players just playing with a google account or twitter account. Doing this you save enough to roll much more through the game assets.

    This didn't just manifest I used the price advantage my access to hive and wait for cheapest prices they fluxuate wildly but the NFT market is relatively stable making this a profitable game market to watch and access this way I can more or less get the NFT value fairly quickly and almost no gas because i cash out EOS or LTC. Run potions for the card above that's how i got it persistence and potions buying in my favor. 

Same with Crypto Brew masters but its much cheaper just brew beer on a loop generate some hive from challenges  buy stuff this way not a word one written trade in to CBM from LTC or HIVE whatever through or

Then trade this to your player account most players could get started with like $5-$10 this way compared too without Hive where the license alone costs $10

So join this Peaked or hive first save some money to get right to the game but pay extra try link 2


I'm working on getting the ASH around for what they call a passport, This lets me generate a clan when there are at least 50 U.S players I'm 13th world wide on the leader boards and get prize money every week from them for challenges so when the U.S clan is up and running ill likely be involved I'm talking to some admins on hive front ends to do something like splinterlands clans system.