Creating Goals And A Crypto Learning Curriculum

What I am very good at is getting excited about things. I'm suuuuper good at being passionate, but one of the characteristics I am working on is creating short and long-term goals regarding crypto, learning, and investing. Just like I am given at work, but this is about my finances and learning, which is great.

Goals I've got for myself right now: I am only doing 3 goals, but they are Measurable, Trackable, and Achievable. Hopefully, y'all can keep me accountable!

1.Write/process/share on PUBLISH0X at least twice a week in 2021

2. Understand the economic benefits and technical explanations of various crypto currencies and the technology that powers them

3. Invest $1000-$5000 in crypto over the course of 2021

4. Bonus: (Unless I find an existing good one, assemble some introductory learning assets for those interested in crypto)

Note: I am not a technical person--but I want to become more technical. So I am reading the whitepapers for all the majors coins. I want to be able to completely understand a whitepaper. I do not right now.

So what do you say? What are some of your crypto goals for 2021? And saying "make money" or "hodl" doesn't count. Though I understand it does take emotional maturity to hodl in these volatile times. 

Also question I'm wondering about: should authors put their own tip links in their posts for EXTRA tips?

Tip me in:

  • BTC: 3DrSdvDDCsRqkU4c7gqDTErFKd2MYr1BqV
  • ETH: 0x4260B19c31EC9c32265447dE3dF9D9C4eD0AFb15
  • Nano: nano_1pbd437sqjorjsihears8u3bdnixw3b1yxnbyerm473uoehm47s9rnesuzxj
  • Or are there other ways you'd like to tip?