Cosmos launches Stargate to improve blockchain interoperability

Congrats to Cosmos Hub Validators and engineers for making this happen! ??

Today, we enter the #Stargate ! ??

— Cosmos – Internet of Blockchains (@cosmos) February 18, 2021

Stargate is the largest software upgrade in Cosmos’ history, and is a collaborative effort between seven distributed entities in the ecosystem including Regen, Interchain GmbH, Agoric, Tendermint Inc, Akash, Informal Systems and Iqlusion.

More than 200 projects are currently operating in the Tendermint ecosystem, 70 of which are running a mainnet.

Ethan Buchman, Co-Founder of Cosmos, added: “We are at the cusp of the web’s evolution into Web 3.0 and the Stargate release is making the Cosmos ‘Internet of Blockchains’ a reality.

“Sovereignty and interoperability are no longer mutually exclusive and we are excited to welcome people into the Cosmos ecosystem so we may build the decentralised web together.”

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