coinpass Partners with Dandelion Time Charity for Crypto Fundraising

Crypto Fundraising is Perfect for Charitable Giving

Source: City A.M

As many of you know I used lockdown to raise money for the elderly and vulnerable and did so by joining forces with BABB.

So, when Crypto AM contributor Toby Lewis, CEO of Novum Insights, reached out about a charity his mother, Caroline Jessel, chairs and that he had linked up with Crypto AM Awards 2020 winner coinpass. I asked him to fill us in. Here’s what he had to say:

“The instinctive pull generated in many by the cryptocurrency world is due to its decentralized nature, working as an alternative to central bank-controlled mainstream currencies. The Bitcoin whitepaper itself is in part a strongly worded response to the failures of central banks and the banking sector in 2008. Given this, one of the sectors that are a natural adopter of cryptocurrencies is the charitable sector, with charities being autonomous organizations aiming to fill the gaps where centrally controlled government fails in helping society. - Toby Lewis CEO @ Novum Insights.

Larger charities that have adopted cryptocurrency include Oxfam and UNICEF, but also there is huge potential for smaller organizations to do this. A charity I have been advising, Dandelion Time, provides young children between the ages of 7 and 14 with educational support in the natural environment and has had stunning results.

These children have challenging emotional issues, often resulting from trauma, violence or serious health difficulties in the family, and the work they do with animals and in the natural world has had a very positive impact transforming the lives of the children and their families.



“Make a Cryptocurrency donation to Dandelion Time and help us transform the lives of vulnerable children. We recognize that many donors value the autonomy and independence that crypto provides and want to support charities without high transaction fees especially when making international payments.

Using our account address (available as a QR code or text), you can use your online or mobile wallet to make donations. We accept Ripple, Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, and Litecoin. To ensure that every bit (pun intended!) of your donation goes where it is needed, we will be converting donations into sterling on a regular basis.”

Show your support and donate here: