Coin Hunt World: Ultimate gameplay?

Over the past few weeks, I've been playing one game that has earned me not only 0.00036617 BTC ($17.20) and 0.01054114 ETH ($15.57) but has also been instrumental in my mental and physical health. 

And that game is, Coin Hunt World!

Chances are you have not heard of this game before, which is expected because this game is still in beta and has just recently surpassed 1000 players. But why should you care? Because this game not only nets you a few cryptos but incentivizes you to exercise and overall helps your mental health. 

Coin Hunt World (CHW) is played on your phone and requires you to explore your city or town to open 'vaults' and get BTC or ETH. Sound's simple right? That's because it is! Spread around your city at road intersections, monuments, fountains, shopping malls, etc, there are vaults and keybooths lying around. 

(here's an image of part of my town)

Your mission is to pick up the keys at the keybooths and head towards the vaults. If you successfully open a vault, you get some crypto (between $0.10 and $100 depending on the vault)! If you fail, you can try again if you have the keys!

In the game, there are 5 different types of vaults and they each have their own color, respawn time, and reward size:

Note: Currently, purple vaults do not yet exist. Red vaults only exist during special holidays like Christmas and Chinese New Year, etc. 

Each vault requires one key of the same color to open. 

You can find blue keys at keybooths, but the rest of the keys you'll have to craft. To craft a green key, you'll need 10 blue keys. Likewise, 10 green for a yellow, 10 yellows for a red, etc. 

When you open a vault, you are greeted by a trivia question, and if you successfully answer, you'll solve the vault and get your prize! Here's a quick 25 second gif that shows you a typical interaction. In the gif, you can see me approach a blue vault on a bike, open the blue vault, successfully solve the vault trivia, and get my $0.10 worth of crypto (in this case, ETH). 

(Click the image to watch the gif)

But what's the catch you may ask. How does this game give out free money! That was what I thought so as well, but this game makes money in three ways:

1) CHW sells some exclusive cosmetic items for your avatar (crafting recipes).

2) CHW will charge token teams who want to use their platform to educate users about their tokens.

3) Brick and mortar businesses can take advantage of CHW's foot traffic by paying.

If this game sounds interesting to you, then today's the best day to get started! There are so many cool features that I haven't yet discussed (and I'll leave them for you to find out), and because this game is still in beta, there are exciting implementations that have not yet been implemented yet! (I'll give you a hint: the ability to place your own vaults is coming sometime this week!). 

If you want to get started, I'll lead you through the downloading process. Because this game is so new, there's some intricacies of downloading you should know. And I'll also give you some tips so you can have the best start possible!

How to Download Coin Hunt World

Coin Hunt World is only available in the US and Canada, for now, so if you live in Europe or elsewhere, be ready because the game is planned to be available there sometime this year!

If you are on Android, you'll need to enable beta access through Google Play. And then, you can download it here: Android – Google Play 

If you are on iOS, you'll need to download TestFlight first (You can do this via the App Store). Once you have installed TestFlight, you can now install the game here: iOS – Test Flight 

Now that you've successfully downloaded the app, make sure to create an account first. You are currently logged into a guest account, and although it is possible to transfer your BTC and ETH from your guest account to your real account later, the in-game bonuses won't transfer. So I'd advise before you collect any keys or vaults, make a new account. 

To make a new account, first, click on your avatar in the bottom left.

Then, sign up for a new account with your email. Go to that email account on your phone (not your laptop) and open the verification link. If all goes to plan, the link will open the app. If not, try hard-pressing the link and selecting 'open in app'. 

If all works to plan, you're all set to start playing!

The Most Optimal Start

Obviously, there's no one way to play the game, but if you want to maximize yields, here's what to do. On your first day of playing, you'd want to get your HQ set up asap because you'd want to start taking advantage of the massive benefits the HQ gives you. 

But before you set up your HQ, this is the only time you can add a voucher to get $2 worth of BTC or ETH, and also the possibility to get some keys to start you off healthy! If you scan the QR code below with your phone, upon building your HQ, you'll get 2 green-vaults' worth of prizes, which contain at least $2 of crypto, high chances of a few blue keys, medium chances of a green key, and a possibility of getting a yellow key!

(if you scan the QR code with your phone, it should open the CHW app)

To set up your HQ, you'll need 1 green key. To create a green key, you'll need 10 blue keys. The reason I recommend creating your green key asap is that your HQ will give you a FREE green key every 24 hours. And because you need 10 blue keys to make a green key, that's equivalent to earning 10 blue keys every day!

Once you have saved up 10 blue keys, go to a key-stand and click it (assuming the key has been collected).

Once you click it, select the option to convert 10 blue keys into 1 green key.

Alternatively, you can try to find a green key by opening a blue vault, but don't rely on this happening as the chances are very low. 

Once you have your green key, you can finally create your HQ. You'll know if you have this ability because below the trophy icon, you see a green house icon.

I recommend going to the location of your home and creating your HQ there, but you can place it anywhere you want. (You have to be within the range of your HQ to collect your daily green key). 

Once you have your HQ set up, if you scanned the voucher, you can now collect your extra prizes!

If this game still interests you after you've played some games, or you have some questions, feel free to join the official Discord channel. The devs are on frequently and can answer your questions!