China begins to sell Filecoin mining equipment

Sino Global Capital CEO Matthew Graham announced the sale of Filecoin mining equipment (FIL) in China, which surprised the expert.

In the Filecoin system , miners receive a reward for storing information, so Graham doubted the need for special equipment. The main network of the project has not yet been launched.

“I am constantly wondering how different the ecosystems of China are and beyond. They don’t even sell Filecoin mining devices for you, ”he wrote with irony.

Thomas Heller, Global Business Director for F2Pool Mining Pool, confirmed that sales are made only in China.

Graham also posted videos demonstrating that the equipment presented is already being mounted in data centers.

Of the claimed characteristics of the Filecoin mining server, the surprise of one of Graham's subscribers was caused by the powerful Nvidia 2080 TI graphics card. To his reasonable question, why is there a GPU for $ 1000 in it, the expert replied that he had no ideas.

Another user suggested that the device could mine other coins.

The presented server for mining FIL runs on Linux OS, is equipped with two SSDs of 240 GB and 2 TB, RAM 128 GB.

Recall, the launch of the Filecoin test network took place in December. In April, the developers postponed the launch of the main network, naming the closest possible period for this between July 6 and August 7.