CBT view of Cryptocurrency


CBT stands for Cognitive Behavior Therapy, and it’s based on the idea that most of our emotional problems come from our biases, distortions, and lack of cognition.  So how can this practice help the cryptoworld grow?

As a CBT therapist, anything that you want to persuade people to accept, they need to understand.  The crypoworld can be a very confusing place with lots of misconceptions.  I believe this to be why Cryptocurrency hasn’t been widely recognized as a creditable currency by the public.

I got into the cryptocurrency world out of curiosity and boredom after being stranded abroad in Taiwan during the beginning of the COVID 19 mess.  I took the CNS (central nervous system) approach to learn about Cryptocurrency, which means educating yourself.  I understood most of the principles of blockchain and the history of Cryptocurrency.  Then I started walking around the magical cryptoworld.  It was a new combination of stock, commoties, and currency investing rolled into one, full of fantastic opportunities.

Unfortunately, the mass learns through the PNS (peripheral nervous system) non-factual, good sounding persuasion.  For the cryptoworld, that’s airdrops and free faucets, promising to make mice into millionaires.  It sounds good, but one has to do the math and fact check. Did you know that the everyday use of the Bitcoin symbol still convinces some people that there is a physical coin?  This issue alone shows that the masses have no solid, well-founded idea of our new world.

Let’s use Warren Buffet as an example.  I highly respect him and this work.  However, his impression of cryptocurrency isn’t helping to motivate the public in our direction.  “It’s a breeding ground for “charlatans” who take opportunities to rip off people trying to get rich in something they don’t really understand”  He has said quite a few other things as anyone who reads the cryptonews knows.  So let’s looks at where he is coming from.  There a good chance that by understanding his point of view, we can how to strengthen our market.

In the quote above, he’s not wrong.  A lot of the free crypto websites are kind of trashy, and most require lowering your internet shields, such as ad-blockers and proxies.  They also prey on the ignorant.  How much can you make on these sights?  A day hard George Jetson work for a fistful of Satoshis and possibly an exposed computer?  What’s worse is that the same computer they are using to get free stuff, they are also using to store their wallets on.

Since you are reading this article, it’s safe to assume that you are active in the market and know better than the average Joe.  Let me leave the ball in your court.  From the above article and your perspective, how could we of the cryptosociety help the public to embrace cryptocurrencies? Please leave your point of view and your stance in the market, i.e., investor, holdler, blockchain designer…