Busting 5 Most Common Bitcoin Myths

You probably thought these bitcoin myths were a fact. Let’s see how much you can score?

It all began with a white paper called “Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System”. Since bitcoin’s inception in 2009 by someone known as Satoshi Nakamoto(whose real identity is still not known), it even achieved a record price of $20,000 per coin (on December 17, 2017). From investors, governments to entrepreneurs and citizens, this cryptocurrency has taken over the world. However, many are still sceptical about bitcoin and have questions in their mind.

Is bitcoin really safe? Is it the right time to invest? Is it really decentralized? The questions are about endless.

Busting the Bitcoin Myths:

Due to Bitcoin’s complicated technical design and overzealous advocating community, there have been myriad myths surrounding Bitcoin. And, today we are going to bust these bitcoin myths for you!

1. Bitcoin & Blockchain are same-same

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