BTC, die hard.

This week Bitcoin has presented a significant drop in correlation to the bullish looks that have been holding. While the performance of the btc was decreasing, the whales took advantage of that fissure to make more deposits. A few days after the launch of Ethereum 2.0, traders continue to maintain their cooperation and patience so that this currency manages to double its price in the remainder of the year. But Bitcoin still has to solve the volatility suffered in the last days, also measuring what are the valid resistances for traders and what are the patience frames for users. The fall in the price of Bitcoin has also been a target for crypto-haters who did not let this situation pass and expressed (again) their displeasure for the cryptocurrency economy.

Nouriel Roubini was one of them. We already know him for his relentless attacks on everything that involves Bitcoin and his identity. He maintains that investing in Bitcoin "is for dummies" and that bitcoin has no real value for what he is concerned with as legal and reliable economies.

This character, who is an advisor to governments in the United States and their treasury, continues to maintain his position on the illegality of cryptocurrencies. What he does not know or does not recognize is that in the entire history of fiat money and valued material, never a decentralized capitalization system has had the skill that cryptocurrencies have had.

Yesterday, he communicated the following message addressed to the cryptographic community: "On Thanksgiving, don't be a headless fool being tricked by manipulative whales, thieves, scammers, carnival criers, front-line criminal exchanges that only they want to steal your savings or wealth. Stay away from the cesspool of thousands of worthless shitty coins. "

On the other hand, the fall of this month generated two sides for those who bet on bitcoin:

Those who anticipate a repetition similar to that of 2017 and are already withdrawing their votes of confidence.

And then we have the positivists who believe that it is still too early to settle for the most recent historical high and will keep betting until proven otherwise.

In conclusion, despite the signals and reading them, it could be guaranteed that over 80% of people hold a bullish view.