Brave referral program started winding down - What is the alternative?

On November 9th, BRAVE did an anouncement about winding down their referral program and not rewarding users for their referrals. This means that there is no referral program bound to Brave browser anymore. Even if you explain to your friends about Brave browser and try to bring them in, you can no longer use your referral link and get rewarded for that. Those days are gone.



In their announcement post, Brave mentions that they already have 20M monthly active users which is more than sufficient to run the business. But they have also mentioned that they are going to introduce a new referral program in 2021 as their previous referral program already made a reach of about 13 times than what they expected it to be. Brave is to date one of the best browsers available for users that are both users friendly as well as great in providing an ad-free browsing experience.

Even if Brave is stopping the referral rewards, there are alternatives available. Even for regular use, sometimes a single browser is not very helpful. Having an alternative browser helps. There are two other browsers that I have been using to get some additional rewards. Please read further to know more details. The referral scheme on these two browsers is still active and I also keep getting referral rewards now and then. The fundamental for all these browsers is Chromium browser and that is why there is no difference in the browsing experience.

Netbox browser

Netbox is again a crypto browser backed by blockchain technology where NBX tokens are their primary tokens. Their reward distribution model is very impressive and I would even say it is impressive than Brave browser. Brave browser is using BAT tokens as their backing tokens and it is not an actual blockchain but Netbox is an actual blockchain and all the transactions can be viewed in the block explorer. The growth is slow for me over there as I have been using Brave as my primary browser and my activity on Netbox is minimal.


Netbox pays the users for activity, staking, and also for referrals. The browser also gives the same browsing experience as that of Chrome and Brave. If you would like to explore the browser features and get paid for your browsing activity, feel free to use my referral link. Just one small drawback here is that the browser is not yet available for

My Referral Link:

Crypto Tab browser

This is another interesting browser that provides an inbuilt option to mine bitcoin. It is not literally mining bitcoin but mining other small tokens using the CPU capabilities and convert the rewards to BTC and send it to us. For people who are okay with very small earnings for doing nothing except browsing, this should be okay. This mining activity also consumes your CPU resources, so you can choose whether to enable it or not.


Here again, there is a referral reward. The people who refer get some additional rewards for the mining activity. You can visit their website to know more details. Also, there is a mobile application available which can also give an opportunity to mine a little from mobile phones.

My Referral Link:

The mining activity is a bit slow compared to regular mining. The earnings are very slow. I wouldn't personally recommend using this so much unless someone is okay to use some additional rewards whatever be the case.

Now I have to also stop using the Brave browser referral link from my footer messages.



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