BRAVE Crypto Browser Adds Anti-Phishing Security Feature

BRAVE Crypto Browser Adds Anti-Phishing Security Feature

Among the attacks faced by holders of cryptocurrency wallets is phishing. Prioritizing security and the protection of personal data, BRAVE browser has decided to offer its users a solution against this type of attack.

This anti-phishing solution comes from the cybersecurity company PhishFort, which is known in particular for offering open-source technologies used to eliminate phishing scams on the Web3.

Brave intends to make its platform more secure to the delight of its users.


A constantly updated list of safe sites is built into the browser

Phishing scams use bogus sites to steal their personal information from wallet holders.

To remedy this, PhishFort will maintain a constantly updated list of safe and scam sites that will be integrated into the browser.

Brave users will receive a warning if they navigate to a page suspected of being part of a phishing scam.

This is what Brave shared in his announcement dated September 8:

“Brave is now using @PhishFort's open source antiphishing solutions for its in-browser crypto wallets to better protect its users. PhishFort's spam list detects crypto scams and immediately alerts our users to any suspicious sites, ”.

Brave new target of crypto crooks

In addition to the personal data protection aspect, Brave would like to eventually become a crypto-friendly browser.

An ambition that has been well received by the public testifies to the growing number of users of the platform.

The latter can in particular be delighted to benefit from rewards in the form of BAT tokens for viewing advertisements.

More than just protection for these users, Brave has therefore adopted a system to allow it to maintain its credibility in terms of security. Hopefully, the announcement of such a feature in the browser will increase the number of users who will use it in the future.