BONK's revenge

I used to be obsessed with casino. The gambling part was fun but it was the vibe and design that did it for me.

The thing with casino is, even if you're not a big gambler, you tend to walk out with less money than you walked in with.

My combined losses from casinos are barely enough to buy a good meal in NYC but still, I'm in the red.

In fact, I still remember the only time I walked out with more money than I had when I walked in.

I was in Venice. I hit the Blackjack table with a $20 bet. I won. So I bet again, again $20. And I won again. And that's when, much to the croupier's surprise, I simply walked away and cashed out.

It's rarity, but it taught me take wins when and where you can get them.

And that's why whenever my investment goes in the green, I cash out what I'd invested.

That's what happened with Solana. I bought when it was $20, and so I cashed out.

And that process took me to my Solfare app, which made me realise my investment in , which I was ready to write off, was also in the green.

Big time.

I bought millions of BONKs when the price was 0.0000014 and it has now doubled.

And since I've learnt my lesson from that casino in Venice, I'm probably gonna sell enough to recoup my investment and keep the rest.