Bitfinex program to return stolen Bitcoin from 2016 may reward hackers.

The Bitfinex Crypto exchange is carrying a campaign to have back the stolen assets from 2016 during an hack incident, with incentives available up to $400,000.000 to split among the ones who lead to any information regarding the 120,000 Bitcoins defrauded from the company 4 years back.

The exchange hack incident took place on August 2016, when the firm lost roughly 120,000 Bitcoins worth in today prices $1,35 Billions, and today they have plans to have them back with a big reward to anyone who can connect them with the responsible, in sum they are offering a reward to the hackers to return the stolen funds.

That is an innovative way to have stolen funds from the company and the reward offer represent almost 30% on the total value of the stolen funds from 2016 in the actual prices, with those incentives the exchange hope to somehow have those assets recovered which can be also a way to hackers to have money if they return it. The programme isn't just for the hackers, anyone with potential data to lead them to recover it will be welcome to share that info and maybe earn some of that pot!

Recently the criminals who hacked the firm, made some transfers of the stolen Bitcoins reported by whale-alert, the ones who control the largest and dubious transactions on Twitter also by the block crypto with a $27,000.000 splited in various unknown wallets.

Bitfinex is the first crypto exchange who offer that kind of incentive to recover stolen funds from criminals with, also to note that the company in 2019 recovered 27 BTC after a successful investigation by the authorities.

Now the only thing the Crypto exchange need is to feel the feedback of the community and hope that positive things start to happen, maybe they recover all or partial stolen funds, and let's see what the next days can happen about this!

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