Bitcoin-Themed Art Piece Sells for $130,000 at Christie’s New York

A bitcoin-themed piece of art has sold for more than $130,000 at Christie’s auction house in New York. 

According to the auction house, an unknown buyer purchased “Block 21,” a piece of bitcoin-themed art in a series depicting the entirety of Satoshi Nakamoto’s original code. 

The project, created by artist Ben Gentilli, is one of forty unique pieces spanning the globe which depicts the 12.3 million digits of bitcoin’s original code hand inscribed on massive, hollow-centered disks. Block 21 alone contains 322,048 digits of hexadecimal code, some of which are inscribed in gold. 

Gentilli called the collective series “Portraits of a Mind,” and said each piece serves as a digital fingerprint in homage to bitcoin’s anonymous founder Satoshi Nakamoto. The entire project is said to span more than 50 meters in length, with the circular panels scattered in locations around the world. 

Cryptocurrency supporters applauded the sale of Block 21 as a historic moment, marking the first real-world, non-fungible token (NFT) piece of art to be sold at the legendary auction house.

Bidding for Block 21 began at $22,000 before eventually reaching $131,250 at the time of sale. 

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