Bitcoin Standard - In a thread

Continuing on from my series of daily articles highlighting some quality content to read today I have a link to a brilliant twitter thread that summarizes the book Bitcoin Standard. The thread is attested by the author of the book Saifedean Ammous. Now if you are wondering what this book is all about, don’t make your impressions by the title. This book is a brilliant read for anyone that can afford to buy it or borrow a copy. It is a book that looks into the history of money all the way from things like stones, pebbles, metals and then to the doomed paper printed fiat. It takes the reader on a journey of financial understanding like no other and provides a deep dive of how money has evolved over time. If you are unable to afford the book but would like a gist follow the link and enjoy the read! I hope everyone that follows this thread gets to learn something new!!

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