Bitcoin Included in Land Rover Advertisement

The British car company, Land Rover, in an advertisement film it published, also included Bitcoin among the important developments in the world.

The famous cryptocurrency has been featured in the Land Rover ad, which lists the important steps humanity has taken throughout history. In the advertisement shared by the UK branch of the company on June 17, the most important development of 2009 was defined as the creation of the Bitcoin network.

Advertising is about important historical events

The ad, which started with the first heart transplant in 1967, shows that Mark Spitz received seven gold olympic medals in 1972. Events such as the launch of MTV in 1981 and the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 are shown.

The ad, which entered the 2000s, uses the phrase "Bitcoin network was created" in 2009.

Land Rover's ad proves once again how Bitcoin raises awareness in the mainstream.

50 years of human achievements

Land Rover is celebrating its 50th anniversary and has released a new commercial for this occasion, which is based on Twitter was shared. The idea: to record all the major steps taken by mankind in the past 50 years. From landing on the moon, the fall of the Berlin Wall, to the invention of the Internet, everything is included. For the crypto community, a mention should be particularly relevant.

Because Land Rover mentions as an important achievement for 2009: "The Bitcoin network was createdt"and thus underlines the importance of the cryptocurrency and the underlying technology. That the Bitcoin and crypto community takes the spot with great enthusiasm does not have to be explained in addition.

At 38 seconds of the spot, the development of the world's oldest crypto currency is named:

"Range Rover - refined over 50 years. Explore the culmination of 50 years of design, refinement and engineering innovation."

Land Rover: IOTA instead of Bitcoin (BTC)

But as some attentive users note in the comments, Land Rover is not known for using Bitcoin. Rather, the British car manufacturer is likely to rely on the cryptocurrency IOTA in the future.

Like we did last year reported, Land Rover was noticed by working with IOTA in the crypto community. Because it was already public at the end of April 2019 that the two were working on innovative solutions for the mobility industry. Together they became one Smart wallet developed which enables drivers of a Land Rover to earn IOTA by providing various data.

Experts believe that in the future more and more cars will have their own wallets, which should make it much easier to pay for parking spaces or pay for electricity for an electric car.

Even if Land Rover does not rely on Bitcoin, the mention of one of the best-known car brands worldwide should ensure a better reputation for cryptocurrency and technology. Because of many scams, MLM systems and ICOs, many investors have burned the finders, which has led to the bad reputation of the industry that still exists.