Bitcoin gifts for christmas

Merry Christmas Day crypto fans!

Taking a quick minute today to write about something that should be really important in my opinion.

While some of us may not celebrate holidays like Christmas or Birthdays.

There are still many reasons to bare gifts and be kind!

"Where are you going with this Trevor?"

Going straight for the heart on this one, that's where I'm going!

People need to get hit with the feels sometimes to realize how much they are truly worth.

To me that answer should always be "Priceless" no matter who is asking!

Reading this now it is safe to assume Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency already peeks your interest.

I am also going to assume that you do kind things for other people you care about sometimes, right?

Well this might sound cheesy but next time you are thinking about giving someone something special.

Give them a gift that quite literally keeps on giving!

Gifting people something like Bitcoin is a remarkable way to get people involved worry free.

With Bitcoin hitting yet another ATH and having been around so long too.

It truly is a great way to gift something that is better than just some lousy gift card.

Quickly here are a few great reasons why gifting people Bitcoin is an awesome idea!

Great Reasons to Gift Bitcoin

1. Fun to Talk About

If you are like me some times you're not the most talkative person in the group.


When finding yourself in a situation where you feel like speaking up for a change.

Talk about Bitcoin!

It's actually really fun to talk about because everyone still has no idea how it really works.

Everyone loves talking about how crappy Banks are too so that always makes it nice too.

2. Productive but Not Too Much

"Thanks for the Gift Trevor, but now I have to do all this stuff you foxy jerk!"


The Bitcoin you give someone will always be there waiting for them to do something with it.

So when giving someone Bitcoin you're really just giving them the keys to a backup plan.

Strangely enough, the backup plan is something that pretty much all people should have now.

While your loved one may not know what to do with their Bitcoin Gift.

The point is they technically don't have to do anything at all unless they really want to or need to!

In other words it's a nice gesture that makes you both productive whether you like the gift or not.

And by the way, if you are giving someone gifts that doesn't like gifts.

Get a new friend to give gifts too! ??

3. Bonding Time

The awkward part is out of the way now!

They have your nice gift of however much Bitcoin or Ethereum you decided to give.

Now everyone is asking questions thinking about what they would do if they won the lottery.

Everyone is officially bonding!

Since it is digital too it leaves room for imagination to grow.

For example, how does someone open a Bitcoin for Christmas?

Wrap up something stupid that has your bitcoin address or a QR code on it.

Get creative!

That's where the bonding and nice gesture really sets in.

It's all about how you present it!

4. Helps Financially

Now I don't know about all of you of course but I'm willing to bet a lot of us have not had it easy financially.

Trust me, I've been there most my life until recent years!

Nothing is more awkward than receiving money for Christmas at least for me that is.

I am grateful for the help but at the same time it can really make someone feel like they aren't good enough for other people.

Gifting something like Bitcoin fogs that out a bit!

Not a lot of people realize this yet either but gifting Bitcoin has a hidden "Positive Reinforcement" effect on human psyche.


It subconsciously encourages everyone involved to try and handle their financial matter better.

Without looking like a prick or being too nosy!

In fact, you don't even have to know the person and it has this effect.

Also, Pro Bonus Tip before I move onto the next one.

Bitcoin can be written off as a Gift of Property on your taxes next year ??

5. Better Than Gift Cards or Cash

Readers might have seen this one coming already because it simple.

Buying gifts is difficult!

So anything to make it easier and still just as fun or kind is a winner in my book.

With Gift Cards they are usually for a specific place or have some sort of restrictions.

They also expire or get lost!

With Cash things get a little better freeing up how you're able to use what you got.

Fanning a wad of cash feels nice, true, but what happens when you spend it?

It turns into chump change and you can't necessarily fan a wad of nickels!

With Cash if you don't spend it and just let it sit somewhere.

What good is that really doing?

It's just money sitting in limbo waiting to be burned one day.

Whereas with something like Bitcoin that wad of cash doesn't just sit there.

It literally turns into retirement one day!

Now how cool a gift would that be to someone looking to die of old age? ??


If you are already deep into crypto or just getting your feet wet.

Consider giving someone you know a shot at crypto by giving them a good amount of their own to get started!

Plus, it's fun sending people you know money without there being some dumb bank behind it all.

Before you know it, those referrals might even start stacking up. ??

Merry Christmas everyone and Happy Holidays!

Thank you so freaking much for reading and tipping all throughout the year!

Writing on PUBLISH0X has been a safe haven and for that I thank you for this escape. ????

Thank you for reading!


Use my referral link to sign up for CRYPTO.COM and we both get $25 USD ??


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